Chapter 12

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A/N: I've had to re-write this chapter because for some reason it deleted itself which is a right pain in the ass because I can't remember what I wrote first time. I'd appretiate it if y'all took some time to read this chapter again because I've completely changed it. If you've forgot the story line, read the last chapter so you know what's going on. Im actually so bummed about this xc. Thank you.

Hayley's POV

"J-Josh," I stuttered.

He gave me an evil smile and walked over to me. "Got my teeth fixed."

"Get out!" I spat.

He laughed and held a lock of my hair in his hands as he smelled it. I flinched and backed away.

"You know what? I wish you weren't as strong as you were. I wish I could have filled you with my love one more time."

"Stop. Just get out," I said, holding Chad's hand tight.

"You really think that dead piece of shot is gonna help you?"

"He's not dead!" I snapped.

"Not yet," he chuckled.

Soon I heard the door creek open again and three of the five guys that were outside came in.

"The police I-I thought they'd-"

"Nope. Didn't catch us," the leader of the gang said.

They all hung around in the room and I stepped closer to Chad.

"Wake up babe. Please just wake up. I need you," I whispered.

"How much y'all wanna bet he'll be dead by tomorrow morning?"

"$50!" One of them shouted.

"$250!" Another yelled.

"$2,500!" Josh yelled

I felt a tear run down my cheek and i kissed Chad's hand.

"Aww how fucking sweet. She likes fucking dead corps," one of them said.

They all laughed and mocked me.

"Get out!" I yelled. "Nurse! Help!"

"You little bitch!" One of them spat.

Josh covered my mouth and I screamed bentath his palm, the taste of it making me gag.

Soon a nurse came in and saw what Josh was doing.

"Leave her alone! Get out all of you!"

They didn't move, "we're not taking orders from a woman!"

Soon the police man from earlier was stood at the door. He hand cuffed each of them and took them to the police car.

I sank against the wall and cried into my hands.

"Its okay," the nurse said. "They're gone now."

I stood up and laid with Chad. I cuddled into his side and moved his hand so it was resting on my hip. I stopped biting my lip and cried into his chest. I don't know how long I was crying for, all I knew is that I was safe in Chad's arms.

I must have drifted off because i was woken by a hand shaking my shoulder. I looked up to see my best friend.

"Hannah!" I said as I hugged her tight.

I cried uncontrolably in her arms.

"It's okay," she said. "You're okay."

"T-the guy's. T-they-"

"Shhh," she said. "The nurse told me everything. C'mon let's get you back to my place."

"N-no I c-can't leave him."

"C'mon. We can come back tomorrow morning. You look cold, tired and hungry. Staying here with him in this state will just make you over think."

She held my arm and helped me off the bed. I stroked Chad's hair and kissed his head.

"Get better baby. I love you," I whispered before walking off.

She held my arm all the way to her car. It was freezing as fuck outside and I shibered uncontrollably. She helped me into her warm car and drived me to her house.

When we'd arrived, she sat me down on the couch and gave me a blanket.

"I'll make you some mac and cheese," she said warmly as she left me by myself to think.

I looked at pictues of me and Chad on my phone. I wish he was here instead of in hospital. If Josh had just left us alone then none of this would have happened.

I sat in silence looking through pictures of us for about ten minutes before Hannah came back in with a bowl of steaming hot mac and cheese.

"Thank you," I said as I took the bowl from her.

"You're welcome," she said as she sat beside me.


The next morning

I woke up on Hannah's couch and looked around the room. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen so I figured she was already awake.

Soon she came into the living room and handed me a plate of bacon and eggs, "eat up."

"Thanks," I smiled.

I ate the bacon and eggs pretty quickley before saying, "can we see Chad?"

"Maybe in an hour or so," she said.

"C'mon let's go now. Hannah please."

She sighed, "okay, lets go."

We both got up and walked to the car. We got in and Hannah began to drive.

"So what did those guys do to you?" She asked.

"Nothing physically. They were just messing with my head."

"Oh honey," she said sympathetically. "Chad will be fine. I promise."

Despite not believing her I nodded anyway. They must have given him some pretty bad head injuries.

When we arrived at the hospital we signed in at the desk.

"Hayley Williams, I'm here to visit Chad Gilbert," I said.

The lady at the desk typed on her computer before saying, "yep. You can go on through."

I walked into his room by myself. Hannah waited in the waiting room. He was still asleep. What if he has been asleep all this time? What if he doesn't wake up?

I sat on the side of his bed and held his hand. "Can you hear me?" I asked. I watched his helpless body rest before feeling a warm year run down my cheek. "I love you," I choked out. "I'm not mad."

"Gotcha," I heard his voice say.

I jumped slightly at the sudden sound of it. "Baby?!"

His eyes opened and a smile appeared on his face.

"Babe!" I said as I hugged him lightly. I cried onto his shoulder and felt him run my back.

"I'm okay," he said.

"You're okay?"


I leaned down and kissed him softly. He kissed me back hungrily and slid his tongue in my mouth. I bit his lip before we heard the door open.

"Sorry to interrupt your little romance moment Romeo but we gotta inject you," a nurse said.

I laughed at what she'd said and held Chad's hand. She got the needle ready and stuck it in his arm. I felt him squeeze my hand tighter as she put the needle in.

"All done. Now back to... whatever the hall it is you were doing." And with that she left.

"I'm so glad you're okay," I said. "I've been worried sick. I hardly slept last night.

"You don't need to worry baby. I'm okay."


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