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Hayley's POV//

6 weeks later

I woke up in Chad's bed and looked around his room. He had his last appointment at the hospital yesterday and is fully recovered so we figured we'd celebrate.

I placed my hand on his thigh and caressed it softly. He started stirring and eventually woke up.

"Good morning sex god," I said winking at him.

"Good morning," he said with a smile.

"What do you wanna do today?" I asked.

"Sky diving," he said enthusiastically.

"Nuh uh you've only just got your leg out of that cast and it's not going back in just yet," I giggled.

He kissed my neck and sat on the end of his bed. I got up and put a bra and panties on.

"Breakfast?" I suggested.

"Any thing but oatmeal. That's all they fed me at that stupid hospital," he said with a disgusted look on his face.

"You're lucky they were kind enough to even put food in your mouth. Be grateful," I snapped.

"Sorry wife," he chuckled.

"Huh?" I said giving him a confused look.

"We sound like an old married couple. So I called you wife," he said with the cutest little grin.

I shook my head.

"Come on," I sighed, grabbing his wrist and leading him out of the bed room.

We got downstairs and I prepared two bowls of lucky charms. As I was preparing them he came up behind me and unexpectedly squeezed my ass making me scream. He laughed at my reaction and sat down at the table.

"Don't be greedy you had plenty of my ass last night," I chuckled.

"More tonight?" He asked.

"Only if your good for Hayley," I said seductively before kissing his soft pink lips.

I handed him his cereal, sat down opposite him and we both ate.

"The fair has arrived at Franklin," I said with my mouth full as I scrolled through twitter.

"Oh really? Do you wanna go?" He asked.

"Yeah. Jeremy, Kat, Zack, Taylor and Hannah are going. We can go with them," I said.

He nodded in agreement and we continued eating.


We just left Chad's house and began our 2 hour drive to Franklin.

I slowly drank my bottle of water as I stared out of the window.

"It's gonna be so fun," Chad said, snapping me out of my day dream. "Cotton candy, music, rides."

"Don't forget the Nutella doughnut swirls," I added.

He gasped "I. Cannot. Wait." He said gripping the steering wheel tight.

Soon we arrived at Taylor's house and Jeremy, Kat, Zac and Hannah were already there.

"Ready to go?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah!" Zac yelled, making all of us laugh.

We made our way out of Taylor's house and started to walk towards the fair. It wasn't very far, it was only a 10 minute walk.

Chad and I walked hand in hand and I watched the sun set. Chad was caught in a deep conversation with Jeremy and Taylor and Hannah were flirting the whole time.

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