Chapter6:Missing you

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Chad's POV

2 weeks later
"Rise and shine!" I heard Jordan yell as he shook me in attempt to wake me up.

I groaned and rolled over, burying my face in my pillow.

I got out of my bunk and walked to the kitchen. Jordan, Cyrus, Ian and Steve were already awake.

"About time" Ian said.

"Sorry guys, I was up all night texting Hayley"

"We know. Learn to turn the brightness on your phone down dude" Steve said.

"Okay, what time is it?" I asked.

"11:34 A.M" Cyrus said.

"Shit really!?"

"Yeah you really slept in bro" Ian said.

"Sorry guys. I just miss her so much" I said as I sat on the couch by them.

"We know how you feel man" Jordan said, putting his arm around me.

I looked at a picture Hayley and I took on my phone. I bit my lip and stared at it.

"I gotta hand it to ya bro, she is hot, no wonder you miss her you lucky ass" Steve said.

I glared at him and looked back at my phone. I didn't think being away from her would be this hard.

"C'mon get ready we need to go to the venue to rehearse soon!" Jordan snapped.

I looked around and realised I was the only one who wasn't dressed.

I rushed back to my bunk and threw on a pair of shorts and a plain grey t-shirt.

Once I had finished getting ready I ran out of the bus to join the rest of the guys.

We started to walk to the venue. I scuffed my shoes against the concrete as I walked. I can't get her off my mind.

I heard my phone ring and immediately answered it, not bothering to see who it was.

Me: Hello?

Hayley: Hey babe.

I could recognise that voice anywhere. It was her!

Me: Babe! Oh I'm so glad you called.

Hayley: I wanted to hear your voice.

Me: I wanted to hear yours. I miss you so much.

Hayley: I miss you too baby. What are you doing?

Me: Walking to the venue so we can rehearse. What about you?

Hayley: Watching Pet Sematary.

Me: Ohhh I wish I could be with you right now.

Hayley: Me too. When you get back from tour do you wanna come and stay at mine for a few days? We can cuddle on the couch, order pizza and watch movies.

Me: Sounds perfect. We're nearly at the venue so I need to go now. I love you, I'll talk to you later.

Hayley: Good luck for the show tonight babe. I love you too.

End of phone call

Soon we arrived at the venue and went inside.

"So who were you talking to on the phone?" Cyrus asked.

"As if it's not obvious" steve interrupted "I miss you baby, I love you" he said in a girl voice, trying to mock me.

"Would you shut up!" I snapped.

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