Prologue ♡

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A red and ebony striped hedgehog was walking down the halls inside the building of his job  G.U.N., he had just finished his last mission and was now going home to do whatever. He nodded his head at some of his assistants and workers while walking down the hall to the 2 double doors, Rouge was sick today so she didn't come to work and Omega was getting fixed up after the last mission they had so all that work had gotten on the striped hedgehog.

Finally, the hedgehog reached the double doors. He picked up the card that was in his pocket that had his id on it and swiped it down the card swipe, the card reader turned green as a sign of recognizing it and opened the doors letting Shadow walk outside and away from the building.

He had noticed that it was dark out so he looked up and noticed that the sun was setting and was soon going to turn into nighttime. Shadow cursed to himself remembering he still had to get groceries for his house and there weren't any stores nearby since G.U.N. was far away from any buildings to avoid anything happening to it. 

He looked at his watch and noticed that in about half an hour, it would be fully night so he had half an hour to go and find a store, get groceries, and go back home.

After trying to find his emerald in his quills for a whole 2 minutes, Shadow gave up and just got the idea to run there. So he started running out of the forest and into the town where all the mobians were always, he soon stopped and looked around and finally spotted a store and walked inside it.

He walked into an aisle and grabbed some coffee beans along with a coffee cup and some coffee. Once he was done with that he placed them in the basket he had and walked into the dog aisle, Shadow grabbed some dog food and a couple of toys for his pet dog and finished getting everything else he was supposed to get. Once he was done, he walked toward the checkout.

An orange tiger with yellow eyes scanned Shadow's appearance and slightly jumped upon seeing him. But he just scanned his items and told him the price and Shadow paid for it and grabbed his bags while speeding out of there leaving some of them awestruck and some others annoyed.

Shadow noticed that it was already night, "how?" he mumbled to himself while walking in the forest where his house was. He noticed a few branches moving and a couple of sticks breaking and his ears twitched from the noise, he just shrugged it off thinking it was just him. But when he was not stepping on any more sticks and one broke behind him that's when he perked his ears up and turned around standing on guard still incase.

Shadow looked around trying to spot anything unordinary but he didn't see anything so that made him pretty angry but creeped out, He was about to turn back around when he spotted something blue. Shadow groaned thinking it was who he think it was, he set down his bags by a tree not trying to damage any of them, and walked back into the forest.


"Sonic I swear to chaos-" he stopped moving as he came face to face with a weird creature he never had seen before, his blood ran cold as he looked at the animal in front of him.

It had dark blue fur with a lighter shade of blue on its arms and stomach, it also had green eyes while wearing red spiky shoes. But most of all, it had very sharp teeth with sharp claws. Shadow's eyes widen at the sight, he looked up and down at the being seeing a similarity between the green eyes and blue fur and shoes.

Only one person I know has blue fur, red shoes, and green eyes

"Faker?" Shadow asked while clenching his fist.

The creature just stood up while growling towering over Shadow which made his ears fall down just a bit from the amount of emotions he was feeling right now.


AHAHA I made another book 😹

Im making a bunch more btw

tell me if your excited for chapter 1!

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now