Chapter 7 ♡

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Shade + Shadow bonding time!! 

(that's literally what this entire chapter is about, I'm sorry)

Sonic's pov:

I watched as Shadow stood up while grabbing his emerald out of his quills and chaos controlling away, after a blinding green light appeared he was gone right after.

I fell on my bed while groaning loudly, 'What was that all about? why did I feel like that? what does that even mean?'. I pulled at my quills slightly out of frustration before letting go and closing my eyes to calm down. 

"probably nothing" I stood up and walked out of the bedroom to see what Tails was up to and try to keep my mind off that.

~~ ⚝ ~~
Authors pov:

A green light surrounded an ebony hedgehog for a few seconds before disappearing, Shadow walked to his front door and grabbed his keys while unlocking it and opening the door and shutting it behind him- not forgetting to lock it after too.

He placed the shiny green emerald back into his quills for safekeeping before taking his shoes off and placing the next to the door revealing the black socks he had underneath and his inhibitor rings still on. He noticed that Shade was sitting on the couch while playing with one of the toys that Shadow had bought her.

Shadow sighed and his ears went down each time Shade squeezed the bone-shaped toy, earning a loud squeak in response. 

Shadow just walked past her wanting to leave her alone so she can play but before he can even get to the kitchen Shade was already jumping on Shadow and licking his face. Shadow cringed from all the slobber but wiped it off and petted Shade on the head making her tail wag even more. 

"I missed you too" Shadow spoke as he teleported into his room and grabbed a mini bin that was in the corner of his room and teleported back to Shade, who had her ears pinned down from the sudden disappearance and was whining but soon stopped and began to wag her tail and bark after seeing the bin Shadow had.

Shadow placed the bin down and opened it revealing a bunch of dog toys that he bought for her.

Shadow couldn't even get one before Shade leaped in front of him and began to dig into the box and find one for herself- Shadow laughed at the action and just sat on the ground criss-crossed. 

Shade backed out of the box and had a tennis ball in her mouth, she let go of it and pushed it over to him with her muzzle and sat down thanks to Shadows teaching.

The ebony hedgehog smirked and grabbed a paper towel while wiping it off and grabbed it after throwing the towel away. 

"You wanna play fetch?" Shade barked in response while standing on her fours and walked over to the hedgehog. Shadow smiled and scratched behind her ear and chuckled "Then let's go" he walked over to the door with Shade following after, both were excited.


Sonic was now taking a run out in the forest after his little brother had to leave and go help Knuckles with something.

The azure hedgehog laughed as he ran around enjoying the wind and all of Mother Nature's gifts that she had to offer, he would usually stop now and then to get a good look at the area before running off again. 

Sadly, Sonic was too busy running and enjoying the wind to notice a branch on the ground.

He tripped over it and fell face-first into the ground, sonic groaned as he sat up and wiped all the dirt from his face and body. "worst run ever" he mumbled to himself as he stood up and looked around.

"huh, never seen this part of the forest before.." Sonic said as he walked deeper into the forest and his ears perked up from the sounds of barking and chuckling.

'what's going on?' he peeked behind a tree and gasped when he saw the sight.


A black labrador was running after a tennis ball while their tail wagged rapidly, they finally caught the ball and began to run back to their owner who was...


The dog pushed the ball towards him and Shadow picked it up while standing up and petting the dog, "Good Girl" Shadow chuckled and smiled while holding the ball in the air once again- The labrador barked again and jumped up and down while wagging her tail.

"You want the ball?" Shadow said and began to get ready to toss the ball not too far, She barked again and nodded her head while getting ready to run after and catch it.

"Then, go get it!" Shadow threw the ball far but not too far away to get the dog lost and soon after she ran right for it and disappeared, Shadow sat down and began to hum a tune. 

Sonic smiled and decided that it was time that he finally revealed himself.


Sonic's pov: 

I walked away from the tree and closer to Shadow, I guess he noticed me because his ears perked up and moved towards me. But he didn't even try to acknowledge me.

"Nice dog you got there, Shadz" I smiled and he turned his head while his eyes widen. "How did you-" "I just saw you" I shrugged my shoulders and walked closer to him while sitting down next to him. 

"What's their name?" I asked and watched as they ran back up to Shadow and dumped the ball into Shadow's lap while backing up. Shadow scratched behind their ear and smiled while placing the ball out of his lap and next to him.

"Shade, sit" He moved his finger in a downward motion and she followed while sitting down her tail thumping the ground from it still wagging, I noticed that Shadow's tail started to lightly wag also.

"Shade huh? I bet I know how you got that name" I chuckled and looked around not noticing this place before and now just getting a good look at it. Shadow nodded while Shade walked towards him and sat in his lap before curling up and closing her eyes falling asleep. "Yes, from my name" He glared at me before turning his head again.

'This is so awkward '

I stood up and began to walk away but stopped after hearing certain words come out of Shadow's mouth. 

"She kinda reminds me of your werehog"


⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★


Some things I want to say:

1) Im going to mainly focus on finishing this book since it's closer to ending than all my other books are.

2) I promise this book is going back to werehog sonic by the next chapter (maybe) I don't know why I keep going away from the entire point of this book.

3) I didn't know what other kind of dog that could have fitted Shadow since I never had a dog myself so I'm sorry if it's not accurate- Yes I know that Shadow likes cats more

Thank you for reading this book btw :) 

cya later!! <33


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