Epilogue ♡

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Shadow threw the tennis ball as hard (but not too hard) as he could throw, two figures went to chase after the ball.

One was a werehog, the other was a dog. Both fought for the ball and ended up tearing it making it break. They both looked at eachother before their ears fell down and they started to whine.

Shadow groaned as he walked over to the two and began to calm them down, Shade responded by licking Shadow's face (like she always does) and Sonic responded by picking the two up and running off.

"Hey! Where are we going?" Shadow asked but only got a huff in response.

The werehog finally stopped and leaned down allowing them to slide off his back, and then backed up, Shadow got down and his eyes widened at the sight. it was beautiful.

"Wow.." That was all he could say in response.

The three spent a few minutes playing before they grew tired, Sonic was the first to fall asleep, and then shade.

Shadow sat in front of the sleeping werehog, Shade was sleeping next to Sonic's arms since she used it as a mini pillow thanks to it being so fluffy. Shadow laughed at the adorable sight and then looked back at the sky.

This day could not get any better

Shadow thought as he turned back to the two and also began to feel the tiredness consume him. So he crawled over to Sonic and curled up next to his boyfriend, who subconsciously moved him closer to him making Shadow get covered in all of Sonic's fur, it felt amazing.

'I guess he's mine now huh' Shadow looked up to the peacefully sleeping werehog and smiled.

'My werehog' He smiled even more at the nickname and soon shut his eyes and allowed his body to fall asleep, he began to purr from the warmth around him and then fully went to sleep allowing whatever dreams his body had prepared for him to show.

------------------- 8/27/23 -------------------

- Kylie

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now