Chapter 11 ♡

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Authors pov:

"What!?" The 2 exclaimed as Sonic began to gain a tint of pink on his muzzle and balled his fist up in embarrassment.

"Why did he follow you? " Amy spoke in a jealous tone. Shadow's ear twitched in annoyance and he growled while turning towards the pink hedgehog. "Do you think I know?" he huffed and crossed his arms while rolling his eyes.

"Well, that isn't fair!" Amy stomped on the ground and scoffed, Shadow began to mumble something under his breath which soon resulted in a big argument between the two. 

Rouge only rolled her eyes and walked over to Sonic, his ears also perked up and he turned his attention towards the bat. "Hi.." He spoke nervously, he was afraid of what she was going to do.

Rouge only smiled and flapped her wings making her body lift off the ground and meet the eye level of the werehog since he was kinda taller. "Why did you follow Shadow? did he do something to you?" She asked as she sat in midair her wings keeping her balanced.

Sonic gulped and looked away, suddenly getting flashbacks from the night that he first met Shadow in the werehog form. Sonic quickly shook his head getting rid of the thoughts and shrugged. "I dont know, I guess instincts.." Sonic backed up from the woman and crossed his arms.

"Hmm," She nodded in understanding and landed her feet back on the ground making a thumping sound from her heels hitting the ground.

Sonic looked back up in the sky and only groaned seeing that it was still nighttime, he probably had a couple more hours to go until it was morning time-


Sonic began to worry about the two-tailed fox that was probably concerned about his older brother too, he had to hurry and get home just in case something happened to Tails, he doubt that he would get himself hurt but that didn't stop his thoughts. 

He began to back away from the others and walk away but Amy seem to notice that, she gave one last death glare at Shadow and then ran up to him hugging him trying to keep him still. 

"Where are you going!?" She asked as she frowned not wanting him to leave yet, Sonic sighed and snatched his arm from her grasp. "I gotta go check up on Tails" He pointed to where the house would be (even though it's much farther away).

Rouge pushed Amy and had a worried look on her face. "But wouldn't you damage the house, since you know-" She gestured to the form he was currently in. Sonic only chuckled, "I'll be fine. We dealt with this probably many times" Rouge nodded and then waved. "Cya big blue!" She winked at him before walking away and grabbing shadows arm pulling her with him.

"Hey! Let me go bat!" Shadow growled from the sudden snatch and looked back at Sonic one more time before looking away and going with Rouge. 

"I-" Sonic was already gone before Amy could even say another word.

Sonic finally reached the front door of his house- but he didn't want Tails to have any destroyed stuff from him so he climbed to the second floor and reached the window, the door was always unlocked for stuff like this so he easily slipped the window up and squeezed through the door and fell onto the floor with a loud thump. 

"Oww.." He groaned as he rubbed his face.


Sadly, the loud thump from the room across had woken up a younger fox. He jumped and his eyes widen as he looked around his room, he looked at the clock on his desk and sighed, this is usually the time Sonic comes home after roaming around in his werehog form. 

Tails pulled back the covers and jumped off the bed and turn the lights on, he rubbed his eyes as he tried to focus his vision. Tails pushed the door open and walked across to the blue door that was the owner of the blue hedgehog's room.

*Knock* "Sonic you there?" he heard some muffling and smiled. He pushed the door and his eyes widen a bit from still seeing his older brother still in the form. "Aren't you supposed to be back to normal now?" He raised a brow. 

Sonic's ears perked up and he quickly lifted his head, his gaze meeting a sleepy fox that looked like he had just woken up. He smiled nervously and shrugged. 

"Well, you see bud, when it still isn't exactly morning time I have to still be in this stupid form." He groaned and looked out the window seeing the sun slowly rise up. Tails only laughed from the annoyance in his brother's voice.

"Wait- did I wake you up?" Sonic asked a little ashamed, the other slowly nodded "When you fell" he snickered. The werehog only blushed in embarrassment and rolled his eyes. "Im sorry for waking you up though" Tails walked over to the werehog and hugged him. "It's fine, really I dont mind".

Sonic hugged back as he looked back at the clock. 

"12:59.." Sonic mumbled as he started to feel funny. Tail's ears perked up and he noticed and backed up while giving the other space to transform back into his regular form.


After about 5 minutes, Sonic laid on the ground panting. Tails quickly ran over and sat beside his brother trying to calm him down so he doesn't pass out. Sonic only smiled in gratitude not having the energy to form words.

The two soon fell asleep next to eachother not having any energy to move, and Tails just being there to comfort his brother. Tails curled his Tails to cover the two of them and soon fell back into a peaceful slumber.


Shadow had finally made it home after having to listen to Rouges rambling about whatever was going on in her life. He pushed the front door open and smiled at seeing Shade curled up on the couch and fast asleep. He quietly took his shoes off and set them by the door and shut the door behind him.

He walked over to the dog and picked her up softly while placing her in her bed giving her even more comfort, she nuzzled deeper into the softness which made the ebony hedgehog smile.

He walked down to his bedroom and opened the door revealing his bedroom, he sat on his bed while gazing around his room. His eyes landed on a certain portrait he crawled to the edge of his bed and reached for the picture.

It was a picture of him and Sonic.

Sonic was wearing green sunglasses and a green jacket with no sleeves, he was holding a Sonic popsicle while looking towards Shadow and smirking. Shadow was also wearing green sunglasses and a red jacket with no sleeves, a frown was on his face as he looked at the energetic hedgehog. Sonic was the one who had taken the picture. The sunlight from it being summertime had made the picture even brighter.

He stared at the picture for a minute and sighed while placing it back next to the other portrait. The portrait of him and Maria.

"Maybe I should" Shadow mumbled to himself as he got under the covers and began to fall asleep.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★

What is Shadow talking about? guess you'll have to wait to find out

Also, I'm finally back!! hello!! 

Hope you enjoyed :)

( votes/comments appreciated) 

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