Chapter 9 ♡

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Im so tired

Shadows pov: (before sonic left)

I kneeled down to look at the sun setting in the sky, it looked so beautiful. But that moment was ruined when an annoying voice began to speak.

"Why do you want to know about my werehog so much anyways?"My ears perked up and I glared at him before turning my head away.

Is this guy dumb or what?

"That thing was literally following me and attacking me for no reason" I pointed out making Sonic jump, did he really not know?.

"Uhh, what do you mea-" "You know exactly what I mean" I cut him off and he just shook his head and began to walk away. I was about to stop him when he spoke before me.

"Listen Shadow, I think I should go. Cya!" he waved at me and smiled then ran off before I could even say anything, I groaned and rolled my eyes while walking back inside my house to go to sleep.

I walked inside and placed my shoes by the door and locked my door after. I chaos controlled to my room and walked up to my bed while siting on it, I began to feel my body falling asleep so I laid on my bed with my head on some pillows and quickly fell asleep.

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Authors pov:

The morning soon came and the sun shined through both hedgehogs window. Both didn't feel like getting up but knew that they had to for their own reason so they did, well soon.

Sonic finally got up and stretched while checking his phone to see what time it is, once he did he quickly ran into the bathroom and shut it while grabbing the toothbrush and toothpaste and began to brush his teeth, take a shower, and then brush his quills.

Shadow did kinda the same, except he also did his eyeliner and sat on his phone for another 10 minutes while finishing a show that he was close to ending. After that he got up and walked to the kitchen and made him and Shade some breakfast.

Once he was done he sat on the couch while thinking what to do for the rest of the day, his dog nuzzling against him.

~ ~

Sonic got out of the shower and finished drying while doing everything else he need to do, he then went downstairs and noticed that Tails wasn't up. He sighed and was about to go back upstairs when his communicator ringed after a big explosion went off outside.

Sonic quickly grabbed the watch and answered- already knowing what the other was about to say but he didn't want to seem rude so he answered anyways.

"Sonic! Eggman is attacking..again" A girlish voice came from the other side of the communicator as it glowed everytime she spoke, Sonic sighed and looked down.

I just showered!

"Don't worry Ames, I'll be right there!" Sonic hung up and placed the watch on incase and opened the door and soon ran to the battle area.


Eggman was sending out his robots as he sat in his mobile and cackled evil whenever the team struggled- which was rarely, but the robots weren't easy to defeat either. Especially when more of them keeping coming.

A pink hedgehog with emerald green eyes was smashing robots with her giant hammer, She looked up and noticed the azure hedgehog and smiled "Hey sonic!" Sonic noticed her and smiled back "Hey Ames" and he ran off after to defeat the rest of the robots.

A red echidna with purple eyes was punching and smashing robots with his fist, each robot completely destroyed after. He looked up and huffed when he saw the hedgehog spin dashing the robots. "Finally decided to show up huh?" Sonic just rolled his eyes and kicked a robot near him. "You know me Knuxs" And he ran off the defeat the last robots.

A yellow fox with teal eyes was flying in the air using his namesakes and using some inventions he made to destroy all the robots that were coming at him, He blinked after he saw a blur of blue and then just saw sonic spin dashing the robots.

Sonic ran towards the last robot and spindashed it and finally landed it on his feet while smirking, Eggman growled and pressed buttons while speaking.

"You defeated me this time, but I swear I'll win the next time" And he floated away in his mobile while mumbling some inaudible words.

Sonic yawned from him still waking up, "And he says that every time" He began to walk away but was pulled in a hug by Amy "Oh sonic I missed you" He smiled nervously and hugged Amy back before letting go giving Amy a sign, but she still didn't let go.

"I missed you two Ames, but..dont you think...its best go?" Sonic began to lose his breath from how tight Amy was squeezing him, she immediately let go and backed away while smiling nervously. "sorry! I was just really excited to see you" Sonic gasped for air before putting his hand on his knee and the other giving Amy a thumbs up.

"Tails!" Sonic ran over to his little brother leaving Amy sad since she wanted to ask him something, She walked away and hummed a tune while daydreaming of stuff she loved.

"Huh- woah!" Tails gasped as he was brushed with a sudden large amount of wind, he sighed noticing that it was sonic.

"Tails, you need to stop working on your inventions so much" Sonic crossed his arms and frowned at the fox who frowned too and his ears went down as he began to stare at the ground.

"I know will I be able to finish any of my inventions if I do so-" "ssh" he put a finger infront of Tails lips and shook his head. "You can work on them, just not past nighttime. Unless we need it. Got it?" Sonic raised a brow and waited patiently for the answer he wanted to hear.

Tails looked at the ground and back at Sonic, he wanted to finish his inventions more quicker but then he finally realized how it was affecting his health too. He sighed and nodded his head. "Fine".

Sonic smiled and picked Tails up and placed his on his shoulder, "Well then, I guess we should go home now" Tails laughed "Yeah" "Lets go!" And sonic boosted off in a Sonic boom with the two tailed fox on his shoulders.

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My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now