Chapter 14 ♡

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Sonics pov:

I walked down the sidewalk next to a few stores- I told Tails that I was going on for a run but I soon got bored and decided just to walk around- there was nothing to do today!!

It's so boring today...

I groaned as I turned around and looked around to see if there was anything here to do (or buy).


"Is that Sonic the Hedgehog!?"

I froze in my tracks and slowly turned around, just to meet a group of people standing in front of me. Taking a deep breath in and quickly gaining my composure, I smiled and waved. "Hello!"

They all went crazy as soon as I said that.

"Can I take a picture with you?"

"Omg, can you sign my shirt!?"

"Can I touch your quills?"

I backed away, quickly turned around, and dashed off, I rather be at home than deal with this. A thought immediately struck me as soon as I said this, What if instead of going home...

I should go to visit...


I snapped my fingers from the great idea and smiled while running to his house. I remember where it was from our last encounter there so, I pretty much knew it from the back of my hand, and was a piece of cake to get there.

Once I made it, I noticed that the lights were off.

It's the afternoon, so why are the lights off so early? unless...


I sighed and looked back at the house one more time, before running off to the building that Shadow worked at. I felt like bugging him today.

Shadows pov:

After I finished giving the files to the commander, I walked out of the room and into my office. I pushed the door open and noticed that Rouge was gone, leaving only Omega here to charge up until we got another mission.

I turned around to see a sticky note on the door, and on my desk. I quickly shut the door and locked it not wanting anyone to come and disturb me.

Once I picked the first one that was on the door up, I walked over to my office desk and sat down while grabbing the second one that was on the edge of the desk.

I placed them both down in front of me and began to read the one (that was most likely the first one) on the left of me.

I have to go, Commander called me on a 'nother stupid mission, said that it'll be "quick" so I don't need your guy's help >:( I doubt that

I'll see ya later handsome <3

- Rouge

I chuckled at her handwriting, she must've been in a rush. I placed that one down and picked up the second one and began to read:

Also, remember your little "plan" on becoming sonics boy- I mean friend :))

-Rouge <3

I quickly blushed and threw both of the papers away after that. I sighed not knowing what to do since my best friend is now on a mission leaving me alone.

I was about to finish up my leftover work when I heard my telephone ring, I scooted over next to it and picked it up while putting it up to my ear to listen.

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now