Chapter 1 ♡

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Shadows pov: 

I clenched my fist even tighter while standing up straight and walking backward not even trying to turn around, "leave me alone" I said while growling making its ears twitch. It had started to growl louder than me while it continued to walk closer to me.

I finally just stopped while looking at the being once again, everything about it looked so familiar to what I had read before, is he a.. "werehog...?" I questioned myself out loud while looking up at the dark sky "shit" I cursed while realizing there was a full moon tonight, I had to get home before the food gets spoiled and hot. I stood in a fighting position "I don't know who and what you are but you need to stay away from me" I said while glaring at the werehog.

It growled again while walking closer, I was about to leap toward the werehog but he was quicker. It had pinned me down to the ground while growling its emerald eyes burning with hate. "Let. Me. Go!!" I yelled while struggling to get out of its grasp but it didn't let go of me still.

Instead, it lifted its nose and began sniffing all over me. I felt a little creeped out and uncomfortable while it was doing that but it had my hands pinned to my head so I really couldn't do anything since I have to focus while trying to chaos control and I couldn't kick the shit out of him because he beat me to it.

After it had finally stopped sniffing me it moved away and looked at me its ears perking up and it had started to wag its tail. I didn't know what to do "why are you doing that?" I still tried to get my hands out of its grasp and it realized what I was trying to do so it finally let go of me and I quickly scooted away before standing up and wiping myself off from the dirt.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I growled while backing up and crossing my arms. The creature sure didn't like that because it started to wince while its ears drooped down closer to its head. I kinda for some reason, felt bad so I walked closer to it while still having my arms crossed "what happened? you were just trying to kill me earlier, now this?" I chuckled while noticing that it was also a male, good to know I guess.

He frowned while standing up and glaring down at me before pushing me away and walking to my grocery bags "No don't!" I yelled while running in front of him and stopping him, "look" I groaned at what I was about to say and do "you can...come home with me I guess since you won't leave me alone and I have to put these up" I pointed to the bags. 

He nodded while going on all fours and started sniffing the air, I tilted my head "what are you doing?" he stopped doing it and just focused on following me. 

As we were walking, I finally got to look over at his features. "You're a werehog" I spoke out loud by accident but he just nodded while growling softly "hmh" I looked up ahead and noticed my house coming up, I gripped my bags extra tight finally able to go inside my house. 

Once we were there, I tried to open the door but I realized "shit, I forgot my key-" a sound of glass breaking was heard on my right. I looked over quickly and saw a broken window and a werehog sitting in front of it "What the fuck!?" I said while growling slightly. 

I had finally found a way to grab my key out of my quills and I opened the door and ran inside quickly placing all the stuff into their spots.

I looked over and noticed some barking, I turned around and noticed that it was Shade growling at the werehog who was growling back. I walked over to them while standing in front of them, "no fighting in the house, if you want to fight then go outside" I crouched down while holding a dog toy and swinging it in front of shade who playfully barked while trying to grab it. 

I laughed a bit while setting the toy down on a table and I hugged her while smiling "I missed you shade" I scratched under her neck while sitting on the couch, and she followed me and jumped into my lap while curling up and laying on it. I looked up while still rubbing Shade's ear and noticed that the werehog was looking out the window with his ears perked down to his head.

I took this as a sign that he was pretty sad over something, " hey what's wrong?" he turned around after his ears twitched and looked over at me. He stood up while pointing to the door, "you wanna go outside?" I asked my ears slightly going down, he nodded while walking towards it.

I looked down and noticed that Shade was asleep so I chaos controlled the door and slowly opened it. As soon as I did, the werehog went running out of the door into somewhere else. I frowned seeing that he had run away but at the same time, I'm glad he did: now I don't have to worry about that creature bugging me. 

I closed the door while letting out a huge sigh and going back to the couch to go and sleep with Shade. 



Sonics/werehog pov: 

I finally managed to escape that hedgehog's house while running back to Tail's house.

I really needed to get out of there before I transformed back, I didn't know what would happen if I did stay there but judging by his moods, I definitely didn't want to know. 

I ran inside the hosue and into my room opening the windows and allowing all of the light to shine on my body, I laid down on the floor curlign up not wanting to break the bed, I winced from the pain of my body starting to transform back to normal but I know that this was only the beginging of a 5 minute transformation.

I sighed while grabbing a pillow and gripping on it allowing my body to transform back and bit the pillow whenever I had to scream not trying to wake Tails up.


I was finally back to normal, I panted and sweated in exhuasation and pain while placing the pillow down somewhere that someone wont easily find, I fell back on my bed and closed all the window curtains and pulled the covers over me while allowing my body to finally rest.

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Dont hate on this part I was so tired making this 💀

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now