Chapter 12 ♡

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Do you guys want a few more chapters or just one more? Because Im slowly starting to lose ideas for this book. But it's your guy's decision! 

anyway, back to the story!!


Authors pov:

Rouge and Shadow were walking down the hallway of G.U.N., they were able to rest for a few days thanks to Shadow finishing all of the missions they had earlier when the others were sick, so now they were up-to-date with all the upcoming missions they will soon get.

The two were walking down toward the machinery room, where they would pick up Omega, who has been getting repaired for the last 5 days since he was the most damaged of them all (because he's a robot!) so he took the longest to get fixed up.

Once they finally reached the door, Rouge quickly responded to Shadow about the topic they were talking about and reached out for her key card.

"Ugh," Shadow groaned out and softly pushed her out of the way while quickly reaching for his, which was around his neck "Hey!" "you take too long" he interrupted and pressed his id onto the scanner and backed away. 

The scanner glowed grey for a second before making a ding sound and lighting green, giving them access to inside the room. Rouge glared at the ebony hedgehog before shoving her way in, shoving Shadow in the process who only glared back at her before giving up and just following her.

The bat began to walk over to one of the workers, who was a fox with light brown fur and blue eyes. "Excuse me," She said sweetly while smiling, Shadow crossed his arms and just stayed silent. 

The fox looked up, revealing the tag on their uniform that read "Skyler". Rouge hummed in satisfaction and set one of her hands on the desk while the other was still on her hip. "Yes?" The fox asked while still typing on the computer in front of her.

"Me and my friend" She pointed towards the other that was with her "are looking for our robot friend, Omega" The fox's ears perked up at the name and she took her focus off the computer and scanned around the room until she stopped and pointed at the door that was to their left.

"All the robots and machines are in there- perhaps they are in there too" She responded before sitting back down and going back to typing on the computer trying to finish whatever she had started.

"Alright, Thanks!" Rouge winked and walked away while taking shadow with her and walking towards the door.

~ ❤︎ ~

After a lot of looking around- and speaking with other workers. The two had finally found the robot they were looking for.

They were now walking out of the room with Omega following behind still trying to fully function from him being powered off for a long time.

"Do you think the commander has any more missions for us?" Shadow asked while being slightly in the lead knowing the entire building from memory. Rouge shrugged and smiled, "Maybe- most likely if Im being honest" Shadow sighed at the response and tried to think of something else to pass the time.

"Say, I haven't heard from Blue in a while, do you think he's doing alright," She asked while waving at some workers since she was awfully popular around here thanks to her being on one of the best teams. Shadow huffed at the mention of Sonic and crossed his arms. 

"Im sure he's doing fine" He mumbled while messing with his inhibitor rings in boredom. Rouge smirked and pushed the door open letting them all walk through, "Are you sure? seems like there something going on between you two~" She teased while narrowing her eyes.

Shadow's ears perked up and he began to blush before growling and pushing the other away. "Leave me alone" he spoke before walking ahead not wanting to speak of the two of them anymore.

Shadow was planning on attempting to befriend Sonic since he hasn't been leaving alone whenever they bump into each other. And he does want to know what it's like to be friends with the hero- not like it's any different. He just didn't know how he could. He's been overthinking this ever since he woke up today- it's the one thought that's been lurking in the back of his mind for the entire day. 

Maybe he does ha-


Rouge landed in front of the striped hedgehog and placed both her hands on her hips, Shadow narrowed his eyes at her disappointed that he was interrupted with his thoughts- once again.


"You haven't been responding, what are you thinking about?" She leaned in closer making Shadow back away and move to the side while shaking his head, "None of your business-"

"Is it about what I said earlier?" 

"What- No!!" Shadow furrowed his brows and frowned even more, he didn't know that she would be able to guess that easily. "Oh Shadow, we both know I can easily read you like a book. Now what are you thinking about" She smiled curious of what kind of thoughts he was thinking for him to be so interested in them.


- ✦✦✦ -

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★

Short chapter I know,  didn't really wanna spoil all of it

Anyway, tell me if you want a few more chapters or just one last one!

Also thank you guys so much for 4k reads/views aahh!! <33

Cya later!! 

( Votes, comments appreciated)

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