Chapter 2 ♡

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Author's pov: 

A familiar azure hedgehog slightly opened his eyes allowing them to adjust to the sudden light change in the room before yawning and sitting up. He stretched while looking at the window in his room that was blinded by the sunlight filling all around his room, he finally stood up and fixed the blankets on his bed.

Once he was done with that, Sonic walked toward his bedroom door and grabbed his shoes, and placed them on while opening the door after and going downstairs to check up on his little brother whom he missed.

Sonic was still in pain from last night but he tried to play it off cool so Tails wouldn't be bothered by it and worry him to death.

Speaking of Tails, he was already in the kitchen, attempting to make a pancake. He didn't really know how to cook because he would always let Sonic cook or make food for him and he was always too busy hanging out with him or making new inventions to even think about learning how to cook anyways, but it seemed like all that time had not paid off. 

Sonic chuckled while walking up to him, "you need help bud?" Tails turned his head from the sudden voice and smiled "good morning sonic! and I" he laughed nervously at the end while grinning slightly and backing up to let (and watch) Sonic finish making the pancakes. Sonic smiled while turning to him "you really need to learn how to cook, Tails" Sonic spoke while turning the stove heat up a bit, Tails shrugged "I know, I just never know when to ask you" Sonic closed his eyes for a second before opening them back up.

" I'll be happy to teach you whenever you want to," he said while pointing to the cabinet behind him signaling Tails to get him a plate, Tails nodded and turned around "Well. How about this afternoon then?" he looked for the cabinet at first before finally finding it and opening it grabbing a single plate and closing it back and turning around walking back towards Sonic and handing it to him.

"alright," Sonic said while humming.

It started to get silent so Tails decided to continue the conversation, "did anything happen last night?" Sonic's ears perked up at the sudden question and he turned his head slightly not wanting to burn the pancakes by accident, "uhm" he just tried to mainly focus on the pancakes now. They were now done so Sonic turned the stove off and reached into one of the drawers to grab something to pick up the pancakes.

"Sonic, why won't you answer my question?" Tails asked raising a brow, Sonic sighed knowing he can't keep anything secret from his little bro.

"Yes, I actually turned into a werehog last night. And it was he- a pain to transform back" Sonic caught himself. Tails laughed, "how come I didn't see you in it then?" Sonic looked at the plates now putting the pancakes on both of them. "I went outside, I didn't want to trash your house or anything else.." He trailed off while grabbing the pot and putting it in the sink to wash.

"Hmm, well did anything happen in that form?" the fox asked while walking to the refrigerator and grabbing 2 drinks for him and Sonic, he sighed while blushing a bit "I..kinda bumped into Shadow yesterday?" Sonic said while shrugging and placing the pancakes on the plate. 


⎯ ♡ ⎯ 

Shadow groaned while sitting up from the couch, Shade was still on his lap resting peacefully. Shadow smiled while picking her up gently and carrying her back to her own bed and placing her down, she whined at the sudden loss of comfort but soon drifted back off to sleep. A buzzing sound could be heard as Shadow's ears twitched and he turned around noticing his phone flashing on the couch.

Groaning, Shadow walked over to his phone and saw who was calling, he groaned even louder seeing that the contact was a white bat with the name contact Rouge. He reluctantly answered while putting the phone on speaker but setting it to a lower volume, didn't want to wake Shade up. 

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now