Chapter 4 ♡

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Sonic's pov: 

Shadow began dragging me farther away from the bar and somewhere else, I would have an idea of where we were going but this is Rouge's house we're talking about⎯⎯ this lady can have anything in her house and I wouldn't even be surprised by it.

But that wasn't the only thing keeping me from gathering all my thoughts. 

I began mesmerizing Shadow's figure as I let more thoughts cloud my mind and dance around in my head. 

What will happen when we reach the place he's taking me?

Why is he doing this?

Is he really drunk?

I mentally facepalmed myself for those last two thoughts, of course, he's drunk Sonic⎯⎯ I mean I did watch myself chug a whole bottle of beer down so he must be drunk. But that still didn't answer my question on why he was taking me instead of anyone else, maybe because I was the first person he saw when he got drunk.

My head began to hurt as I was thinking too hard about this, All I needed to do right now was focus on where Shadow was taking me. 

I began to gaze at my surroundings, the loud music was now blocked out by the walls in the hallway. 

The hallway had a couple of plagues (from Rouge Im guessing) about being the top G.U.N agent, and #1 Jewel thief, And some just with her workers from both jobs. Man Rouge really knows her way around when it comes to money huh? I also noticed that the other side was kinda empty except for a few other pictures of her and Shadow and Omega.

But my ears perked up at a sudden sight ahead of us.

There was a double door that the moonlight shone down on a balcony behind it. The railing was all white and two foldable chairs were sitting on the ground opened with a table in the middle in case anyone wanted to place their food or something like that on there. But what caught my eye was that The other doors beside it and up were all closed and had a little sign on them, I didn't really care though since it seemed like we were heading to the balcony.

Well, we were

Shadow huffed and all of a sudden made a turn causing me to slip and almost lose my balance. I glared up at him and began to talk still confused about the situation im in right now. 

"What are you doing!?" I asked while standing up fully and pulling my arm away from him finally. He turned around and his eyes seemed to glow even more for some reason, I sweatdropped at the sight but managed to keep my posture. "You don't deserve to know" He walked closer to the door as he tried to read the sign I guess, I walked closer taking a read of it too.

My eyes widen as I re-read it again just in case I was seeing things.

Rouge has spare bedrooms!? I screamed inside my head as I began quickly backing up not wanting to even know what was going to happen if I stayed a little longer. Shasdow seem to notice this too and walked up to me raising a brow while growling making a shiver go down my spine, "What do you think you're doing?" I frowned as I looked down the hall and realized that even if I made a run for it-- Shadow would still catch up to me. 

'Still worth a try' I thought as I bolted to the end of the hallway, but I hit my head on something that made me fall back and hit the floor too. I groaned as I rubbed my head, looking up I mentally sighed and shot daggers at the ebony hedgehog in front of me who was now smirking while crossing his arms.

I was about to say something when he was quick to shoot a quick remark. "Thought you were faster than that, faker" I growled lowly as I stood up but he was already closer to me our noses almost touching, I grew a tint of pink on my muzzle as I tried to back away but he soon grabbed my hand and we soon teleported making me jolt up from the sudden change.

I turned around and notice that we were in a bedroom, great I sighed but that was cut off quickly as I caught the motion of someone walking up to me and smirking.

My mind soon went crazy with thoughts that were yelling at me telling me what to do, why this is happening, and worse of all, what is going to happen. 

My eyes widen as Shadow was suddenly so close to me that our noses touched, my breath hitched as those ruby eyes pierced right through mine and seemed to make me feel something that I didn't want to. Shadow moved closer to my ear and whispered something that made me want to run out.

' Im not that drunk anyways'  He leaned in closer and our noses touched and he smiled, I blushed madly from the sudden change of spots and I felt as if I could just-

Another pair of lips connecting to mine made all my thoughts cut off as I began to realize the situation I was in right now. Shadow, was kissing me!? My face quickly grew hotter as I tried to push away but as much as I tried it didn't work.

I just allowed myself to melt into the kiss as he pinned me to the wall and move his hands around my body making me gasp but I held back all of the urges my body yearned me to do.

He brushed his tongue along my lips asking for entrance, I reluctantly opened it while softly pushing him off feeling uncomfortable from the position I was in right now. I didn't want to seem submissive so easily, I blushed more as his tongue ventured all in my mouth and he began to rub his hands on my waist and go lower.

All my thoughts that disappeared before soon came back seeing the situation I was in right now, Shadow's drunk right? So he must not be doing this out of his free will. I don't care if he said he wasn't how can I just believe that!? I saw him drink a whole bottle of beer in front of me (and almost a whole nother one) and this was making me feel things I didn't want to.  

My instincts quickly kicked in as I pushed him off not harshly- but still enough to tell him to stop, a trail of saliva trailing after making me quickly wipe my mouth off. I cleared my throat as I began to calm down all the blush that was on my muzzle was now gone.

"Sorry," I coughed out while avoiding eye contact. Shadow only frowned as he walked closer to me, I took that as a red flag and growled loud enough to make him stop in his tracks and quickly back up again.

"I don't want this- you drunk, this isn't you" I scooted away heading for the door.

I quickly grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open swinging the door and left running down the hallway and back into the party that seemed to calm down a bit.

Everyone was pretty much gone- but there were still some that were there but I sure wasn't going to be one of them.

Rouge saw me and quickly went over to me while holding a glass of wine. "Hey blue, why you leaving so quickly?" I raised a brow at that question but just shook it off "I just feel like going home. Cya Rouge!" I winked at her and opened the door while closing it once I was outside and bolting to Vanilla's thinking about what just happened.

Now that's all I can think about⎯⎯ great.

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯

Listen, I really don't know what I was doing in this chapter and Im sorry 😭

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