Chapter 13 ♡

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Authors pov:

Shadow rubbed his face in frustration before letting out a sigh, "You don't need to know" and looked around the building. His ears perked up when he saw a hallway with some other workers walking down it, above the hallway wall was a sign that read "Offices".

"Wha- c'mon, Shadow!" Rouge pouted not getting the answer she expected.

"Now stop bugging me" Shadow growled out not liking to talk about the things going on between him and the blue hedgehog. The hedgehog began walking toward the hallway- the other two following behind him.

"You do know I won't stop bugging you until I get an answer from you, right?" Rouge hummed and stood in front of Shadow, her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face while she raised a brow- her head tilted a little. Shadow was about to answer when he heard a noise.

"Error- the system needs updating"

Shadow turned around and notice Omega still standing while trying to update. He quickly walked over to him and pressed a couple of buttons shutting down the update.

"Look, we have to get Omega to my office so he can finish updating. Let's go" Shadow waved his hand while walking down the hall.

"Hmph" Rouge frowned still not impressed. "Come on Omega" She began to walk to Shadow. Omega beeped and also began following.

- Office -

Omega was now sitting in the corner plugged up allowing the entire system to update, Rouge was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and a hand on her face, And Shadow was at his desk finishing some of the papers that he had to file for the commander.

"So.." "No" Shadow quickly answered while placing the finished paper in a separate pile, a couple others with it.




"NO means NO." Shadow slammed his hands on his desk and glared at Rouge. He hated not being able to focus on his work and this was not helping. Rouge rolled her eyes and stood up while looking around his office, noticing something odd.

"Why do you have this?" She picked up a picture frame of him and Sonic and some others. Shadow lifted his head and his eyes instantly widen while he quickly got out of his seat and snatched the picture from her hand.

"No reason! stop touching my stuff" Shadow placed it back where it was- only this time it was turned around not able to see the actual picture now.

"Okay, Shadow you have to-" "Alright fine!" Shadow groaned out and sat back in his seat.

"Great!" The bat smiled and clapped her hands finally getting what she wanted, she quickly sat down on the couch and winked at the hedgehog "Im all ears" The other rolled his eyes at the sentence.

After a long moment of silence, followed by a sigh. Shadow began to talk.

"I've been wanting to be Sonics friend but I dont want to at the same time" He started while writing on paper trying to distract himself from the words coming out of his mouth.

The bat grinned while laying down on the couch, "I say be his friend- he's been wanting you to befriend him forever, plus it would help with your guys' relationshi-" "We are not in a relationship!!" Shadow interrupted while his muzzle began to turn red, Rouge held her hand up to silence Shadow.

"Chill hun, I was only talking about friendship- What is this about a relationship?" She raised a brow while smiling. Shadow shook his head "Nothing.."

"Dont worry, I can help out with that too if you want" She sat up and winked. Shadow mentally groaned from that.

" System. Fully updated- restoring data..." Omega spoke making the others look his way. He began to turn on and his eyes slowly glowing.

"And.." Shadow wrote a few words and then set the pen down letting out a relieved sigh. "Im finally done with all that bullshi-" "Shadow!" Rouge looked back at him with an annoyed look, Shadow only raised a brow "What?"

"Now I have to give these to the commander" Shadow mumbled while grabbing a folder from one of his drawers and placing them all inside. "Rouge can you get me a Sharpie" She hummed and grabbed one and then handed it to Shadow, he nodded his head in thanks and then began to write on the folder.

"I'll be back" Shadow picked the folder up and walked to the door. Once he was outside he looked both ways to avoid bumping into anyone and then began walking to the office.

While thinking of a way to become sonics friend.

- ✦✦✦ -

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★

I finally updated- school sucks with it giving me sm work (sobs)

Btw, next chapter will most likely be the last chapter (reason why this one is very short (also a sad excuse from me losing motivation))

But holy 5K views?? wow

Hope to see you guys soon again!!

( Votes, and comments appreciated <3 )

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now