Chapter 8 ♡

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Sonic's pov:

"What?" I stopped in my tracks as soon as I heard that, I know that when I was a werehog I was near shadow but- I didn't think that it actually happened. I just ignored it not really wanting to remember it anyways.

Shadow stoop up and led his dog back inside and closed the door after she was in the house. I sighed and sat on the ground while messing with my gloves awkwardly, I still can't believe that Shadow saw me in my werehog form- I mean it can't be that bad, right?

"I remember you following me around like a lost puppy" He grinned at me


"Shut up" I mumbled and began to blush in embarrassment. "Why did you even do that?" He asked while he walked over and grabbed the tennis ball, he threw it in the air and caught it when it fell. I shrugged while looking away "I don't know" Shadow then stared at me and frowned "how do you not know?-" "I don't know okay!" I spoke louder this time and I stood up.

"What even is that thing" Shadow said which made me cringe from the name 'thing' but just answered while stretching.

"My werehog form" I bluntly said and Shadows eyes widen like he just remembered something, "What?" "I knew it" He crossed his arms and narrowed his eyes at me. "Why does your werehog seem to like me so much?" I blushed at that knowing the exact reason why but I shrugged my shoulders once again.

"I don't know"

"How do you not know anything?", I shrugged again nervously while he just calmed his glare at me and pinched in-between his eyes while growling. I looked up in the sky and noticed that the sun was now setting.

If Tails is right, then the next full moon should be next month- maybe on a Tuesday. I hope so, I wanna run on Monday and then get chilidogs and-


"H-Huh?" I snapped out my thoughts and turned to see Shadow standing directly infront of me, I backed up a bit before raising a brow.

"Were you even listening?" I reluctantly shook my head and smiled "My thoughts get the best of me sometimes" I chuckled and Shadow just sighed while backing up, "What were you even thinking about?" I placed my hands on my hips while speaking "About stuff" I smirked and stretched once again not being use to standing still for so long.

"Why do you want to know about my werehog so much anyways?" I raised a brow and looked towards Shadow whose ears perked up and he glared at me before turning away.

"That thing was literally following me and attacking me for no reason" He spat out making me jump, was that really true? it can't be.

"Uhh, what do you mea-" "You know exactly what I mean" I shook my head and just began to walk away.

"Listen Shadow, I think I should go. Cya!" I waved at him and ran off before he could say anything, I stopped running after I was far enough away from his house and I kicked a branch in frustration, Why did that even happen?

Now I have to be more careful of how I control my werehog form

I mumbled some things about stuff I didn't even know what I was saying and began to run faster and soon made it back to my house. I reached for the key in my quills and began to unlock the door and shutting after I was inside.

I placed the key back in my quills and took my shoes off not wanting to dirty up the floor and began to tiredly walk to my room, All the running and talking I done today wore me out- I could really use a nap. I walked up the stairs and began to scan the doors and look for a blue colored one.

I finally found it.

I pushed the door open and ran to my bed while falling on it, I pulled the covers over me and was about to head to sleep when.


I have to go check on him.

I reluctantly sat back up and got out of bed and walked to Tails room when I noticed he wasn't in there, I groaned knowing there was only one other place he could be at.

~ ~

I finally made it to the workshop after forever, (It was only a 3 minute walk) I walked around and heard soft snoring coming by the plane. I walked over and saw Tails passed out on his desk, I chuckled and picked him up while walking back inside the house.

This is too unhealthy for him.

I kicked the door open and walked to his bed and placed him down while pulling the yellow colored blanket over him and smiled. I kissed his forehead and turned the lights off leaving only the lamp on.

"Goodnight buddy" I closed the door and began to walk to my room to finally sleep this day off. Hopefully tomorrow comes and gets better.

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My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now