Chapter 6 ♡

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ME!!! (if it wasn't obvious)


Sonic's pov:

I sat up in my bed while letting out a major sigh, yesterday was really exhausting and surprising. I stood up while looking to see what time it was right now.

"12:45? it's not that late" I mumbled to myself as I grabbed some clothes and headed to the bathroom to take a shower in. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled slightly, my quills are a hot mess and I've been unable to get pretty good sleep since that one thought has kept me up for most of the night. Thankfully I was still able to get some type of good rest somehow. 

I pushed the door open and flicked the light switch on making the room shine in white, I set my clothes down and started the shower- making sure to set the temperature to warm. And walking out to see what my lil' bro was doing, if he was up yet.

'The door is cracked open so he's probably awake now.'

I knocked on the door to check.

"come in!" I heard Tails say and I smiled while pushing the door open. He was still in bed with his PJs on and was writing in his "inventor book". I walked over to him and ruffled his bangs which made him frown and whine while pushing my hand away, I chuckled as I smiled and my ears twitched from the sound of water sprinkling down in the shower.

"Goodmorning buddy" I patted his head and he set his book down and gave me a hug while responding, "Morning, Sonic" I let go and notice the shower was ready and I quickly waved while running to the bathroom and closing- and locking the door and getting ready to shower.


Shadows pov:

I walked up to Sonic's house and knocked on the door, I needed to confront him about this now or he will probably take it another way and I definitely don't want that happening. 

Nobody answered the door..weird, I knocked again but harder this time just in case they didn't hear the first time.

'Why isn't Faker answering the door?' My ear twitched from sounds coming from the other side of the door, I perked my ears up and tried to listen.

"Sonic someone is at the door!" 

"who is it?"

"I don't know.."

"You go answer it, I'll be back"

I heard a door being closed and someone sighing- Im guessing it was Miles. I crossed my arms as I began to get impatient and the urge to just chaos control inside.

The door finally opened and revealed a fox on the other side, I lifted my head up and he raised a brow for some reason. "Shadow..what are you doing here?" he asked while looking around, probably thinking I brought someone with me.

"I need to talk to Faker, where is he?" I asked while raising a brow myself. Usually, he would answer the door before Miles even got the chance to.

" He's taking a shower right now. You can come inside if you want" He opened the door wider and I nodded while walking inside, my ears twitched from the bathroom water running- and I thought he hated water.

I took a seat on the couch and he flew back upstairs and walked to his room while humming, I decided to just wait and look around.

His place is pretty neat for someone like him I have to admit- maybe the fox helped him with keeping it tidy

 The water stopped running and I turned around to see a blue blur fading from the bathroom and into his bedroom. I rolled my eyes.

'why can't he just change in the bathroom?'

A couple minutes went by and I hear a door open and Faker yelling something out.

"Hey Tails, who was at the door?-.." He looked at me and I just smirked.


Sonics's pov:

(when he finished showering)

I turned the shower water off and I almost passed out from the amount of heat in this room, I just can't change in here or I'll be knocked out. I grabbed my clothes and ran out of the bathroom and into my room as fast as I could before anyone could notice, I slammed my door shut and sighed happily from the cool air that wasn't suffocating me.

I finished putting my clothes on and I unlocked the door while walking downstairs to see what Tails was talking about.

"Hey Tails, who was at the door?-..." I stopped talking as soon as my eyes met a pair of rubies. What's Shadow doing here? 

"why are you here?" I asked while crossing my arms and frowning, already getting flashbacks just by looking at him.

"I wanted to talk to you," he said blandly while his ears continued perking up. I uncrossed my arms and placed them on my hips while narrowing my eyes "About what?" he chuckled while walking towards me.

"You already know". I was about to speak but I was teleported into my room, Shadow walked over to the door and locked it while turning back to face me. "sit down" I just groaned while falling on my bed.

"Is this about last night..?" I asked quietly as I didn't really want to ever bring that up. But sadly not everything goes the way you want. 

He nodded while blushing a bit, once he cleared his throat all the blush was gone though. He sat down next to me and scooted over a bit to give me space, I thanked him silently for that.

"I wanted to say that I'm sorry I wa-" "Drunk? yeah, I know.." I answered for him as my ears bent down a bit, I looked down at my socks and frowned even more.

'Why does this feel so horrible? he was drunk! he didn't have control over what he was doing..he probably doesn't even remember. So why do I feel so hurt about this..?'

"Look, I just wanted to let you know that all of that was just a mistake. That doesn't mean anything to either of us, right?" He looked at me with an uneasy look which made me even more sad.

"Yeah," I responded and smiled while gripping my blanket. 

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★

Cliffhanger for you guys >:)

I'll update when I feel like it again 

cya 😋

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