Chapter 10 ♡

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Authors pov: 

It's been a couple weeks since Sonic had battled Eggman, he noticed that he would hardly come out for battles anymore. It was like he was planning something, But sonic didn't know what so he had to make sure to keep an eye out for anything suspicious just in case.

It was now the next month and Sonic was just walking outside to get some chilidogs since he decided to go on a run and to also watch the sun set because he would find it calming to him. 

As sonic ate his chilidog, he began to remember that its been weeks since he had talked to Shadow. He would occasionally see him when he's running or when he was battling Eggman but that was it. And he didn't really want to talk the ebony hedgehog after the last conversation they had, he just wasn't ready. 

He walked down the street as he wore his communicator. Tails had told him that whenever he felt the need to he should wear it and so he did. He believed that sometime this week it would be a full moon and would turn into his werehog self, he didn't wanna be unprepared and experience something weird like last time so he made to wear the watch and keep track of the sky.

The blue hedgehog finished his meal and noticed a little garden, he walked closer and gasped after he read the sign.

"Chao garden.." His ears soon perked up in realization and he walked inside while saying hello to Cream since she worked there sometimes thanks to her owning a Chao herself. He pushed the door next to the entrance sign open and smiled after seeing all the cute little creatures.

He loved the Chao garden. He would visit this spot whenever he felt his emotions going down or just whenever he could! He mainly visited this spot since he now owned a little him in the garden.

Sonic pet the Chao that crowded him and walked to grab some fruit to feed them and then left one for his own chao, speedy. He wanted to finally spend time with speedy since Sonic has been gone for so long.

He laughed after speedy ran up to him and Sonic began to feed the little blue Chao.

~ ~ 

Sonic soon looked up in the sky and his eyes widen, it was a full moon. He quickly placed speedy down and said goodbye after giving him another piece of his favorite kind of fruit and ran out the garden not wanting to hurt any of the poor chao when he transforms.

Once sonic was far away from the garden he sat down and began to groan as he could already feel himself transforming.


After a heck of a transformation, sonic laid in the grass with his new blue fur and his ears perked up from some humming coming down the street. He walked closer to see who it was and his eyes widen (again) after seeing who it was.

Amy was walking down the street with a shopping bag, she must've of just left from a store. Sonic quickly backed away. Amy couldn't see him like this or she would freak- which way? I don't know but I know that it won't be good.

But that all went downhill after he stepped on a stick.

Amy stopped in her tracks and began to look around trying to scan for anything after she just hear a snap of a twig, She gasped as she saw a different type of blue hedgehog backing away from her. Amy smiled as she ran to the creature and hugged it.

"Sonic!!" Amy smiled and let go, she had already known about the werehog sonic had since she had bumped into him transforming when he first got it so now she just follows him around because she loves how fluffy he is and how she can literally get picked up by the hedgehog. Even though Sonic could already do that.

"yes Amy hi" Sonic spoke in a more different type of voice thanks to the werehog and shrugged, Amy nuzzled into his stomach loving the fluffy fur, Sonic blushed in embarrassment before pushing Amy back "k-knock it off Amy" He cursed at himself for stuttering.

"But why..your so fluffy!" Sonic placed his hand infront of her face being careful not the hurt her and backed away from her slowly, "No thanks"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

While those two were doing that, An ebony hedgehog was also walking down the street since he was finally called back to work by G.U.N and was now off of work and going home, Rouge was also walking with him since she lived close by the hedgehog.

"Can you go already" Shadow groaned out as he crossed his arms and glared at the bat who placed a hand on her hip while batting her eyes, "Now that's no way to treat a lady, Shadow" The hedgehog just rolled his eyes and answered back "I don't-"

The two stopped after they heard voices coming from the forest, Shadows ears perked up at one of the voices quickly recognizing it, So did Rouge.

"Is that Amy?" Shadow shrugged "I don't care" and was about to walk off when his arms got pulled by Rouge, he groaned and turned around "What..?" "Come on! I wanna investigate" "of course you do.." Shadow mumbled and followed the bat. 

The voices began to get louder the closer they got and Rouge quickly stopped making Shadow almost trip. He walked up next to her and looked at the direction she was looking and his eyes widen. 

A blue werehog was fighting off a pink hedgehog who was clinging on to him as if she were to die if she let go, similar voices came from the two. "Amy stop!" The werehog growled as he moved around trying to free his body from her death grip, The pink hedgehog just hugged tighter while responding "no..!".

Rouge laughed at the scene and Shadow just crossed his arms while smirking, he could easily tell that the werehog was sonic since he seen it before.

The two both looked up and Amy finally let go as she waved at the two "Hey Rouge!" She smiled and Shadow just glared at her for not getting any acknowledgement. "What are you doing?" Rouge and Amy both asked at the same time making the two stare at eachother for a minute.

"I was just uh.." Amy searched through her mind to find a good answer but shadow beat her to it.

"Why was you just clinging onto faker so hard?" Shadow pointed at the werehog who ears perked up and eyes widen from that sentence, Amy blushed and she crossed her arms. "I was not!" 

"Wait Shadow, How do you know that's sonic?" Rouge asked as Amy stopped blushing and nodded also, Sonic began to back up wanting to leave this conversation as fast as he could.

"Well, because I saw him follow me" The ebony hedgehog pointed out as he huffed and crossed his arms not forgetting the memory one bit.

"What!?" The 2 exclaimed as Sonic began to gain a tint of pink on his muzzle and balled his fist up in embarrassment. 

⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ★

Im going to pass out

here you guys go I hope you enjoyed the 3 chapters in one day

see you guys next year /j

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