Chapter 3 ♡

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3rd Pov: 

Sonic and Tails walked up to Rouge's house and knocked on the door, muffled voices and sounds could be heard from behind the door but one voice seemed to get louder signaling that it was getting closer to the door. 

The door swung open revealing a white bat wearing a pink short jacket with some black pants and a heart necklace on her neck. Rouge smiled as she winked and welcomed the two "Hey boys. Glad you could make it" Tails nervously backed away as he could smell the alcohol just from where he was standing.

He poked Sonic on the shoulder who was about to reply back to the bat. He turned his head to see what the little one wanted "Yes bud?" Sonic asked while lifting a brow, Tails ears slowly went down in embarkment "Can I go to Creams?" he whispered out while pointing his thumb away from the house and to where the house was Sonic chuckled lightly knowing the exact reason why he was saying this.

"Sure buddy, I'll be sure to pick you up after" Tails smiled while hugging his brother and running off into the distance. Rouge snickered as she faced the azure one "You really thought he could handle all of the beer in this place?" Sonic just rolled his eyes while walking inside and replying "I didn't know you would actually have beer- I guess that's just how you are" Sonic smirked back as he crossed his arms. 

"Imma go and see what knuckie is up to, later blue~" She winked playfully and walked away her voice soon drowning in the music.

Sonic didn't really like crowded places like this, it just made him feel uneasy but unless he was Tails age- he couldn't really back down from a party like this or he would feel guilty no matter how much he tried to convince himself that he had a reason to not go.

The doorbell rung and Sonic's ears perked up while he tried to look around to find Rouge, she was nowhere to be seen so Sonic just groaned while going up to the door and opening it up himself not wanting the guest to be outside waiting for who knows long. 

A familiar hedgehog appeared behind the door with his arms crossed.

Sonic suddenly had the urge to close the door back but he was too kind to do such and thing, and he also didn't feel like dealing with Shadow today so he just decided to taunt him.

"Never took you for a party type, Shadz" Sonic smirked as he slightly moved the door his hands moving by themselves. Shadow just rolled his eyes while quietly groaning, "I always took you for the annoying type though" and he pushed himself through the door making Sonic scoff. He slammed the door earning some looks from others but he just sent a death glare back making them all turn their heads again. 

Sonic POV: 

Shadow thinks he could just do that and get away with it huh? well, he has another thing coming to him. 

I walked over to where the lifeform was and it seemed he was on the island while grabbing a drink. I definitely took Shadow as a drinking type, guess my theory was proven right. I hopped up on one of the stools next to him and took the drink from him earning a low growl. I smiled as I took the cap off and poured some into a glass that was thankfully near me.

"Give it back faker," Shadow said as he tried to reach for it. "Lemme think....No" I smirked as I pushed the drink far away from him and grabbed the glass, he soon snatched that from me and drank the whole thing in one gulp. I stared wide eye at him for a second before clearing my throat.

"Uhm.." I said as I began to think of anything that could start a conversation with me and Shadow.

"You really have a weird form" Shadow spoke as he set the glass down and narrowed his eyes at me. I blushed in embarrassment. 

'He really did see me in my werehog form..? I guess that's one way to kickstart a conversation' I looked away while placing my hand on the side of my face, I started to shake my head clearing any blush off of my face, and faced back to Shadow who raised an eyebrow at the action.

"Guess you really did see it" I chuckled nervously not wanting to know what happened next.

But I guess I asked for it.

"Why did you follow me home? you acted like a lost dog in that form." My eyes widen and I started to cough, I started to breathe in and out as Shadow groaned and got off the stool, and went to pat my back, My eyes widen at the action and I soon calmed down somehow. I avoided eye contact with Shadow.

Why am I acting so stupid!?

I shrugged "Thanks...I guess" Shadow just huffed "Whatever" I cleared my throat once again. "I- really don't have any control over that form so whatever I do in it I can't really do anything about" I tried to change the subject but I guess that failed.

"Wel-" I gave up and interrupted Shadow "I don't like talking about it so let's change the subject" Shadow rolled his eyes and picked up another beer making me question the action, "Fine. want a drink?" I gasped lowly and shook my head "Uh, no thanks" I scratched the back of my head and chuckled.

"What, you scared?" Shadow smirked at me making me blush, I mentally slapped myself for my body actions, "I have to go and get Tail's later.." Shadow huffed and stood up. "Fine" Something in the back of my mind kept telling me that I shouldn't let Shadow leave and just give in. I didn't know what else to do so,

"Fine, only one drink." He turned around and smirked while throwing the bottle at me, I quickly caught it before it could break "Why would you do that!?" Shadow shrugged while raising his arms "Fastest thing alive remember? you should be able to catch that" I rolled my eyes and popped the cap open. I took one last look at the bottle and then at Shadow- who was still smirking making me shudder a bit.

'Sorry Tails' I chugged a bit down before setting the bottle down and staring at Shadow "Happy?" he grabbed the bottle from me and drank the rest, I blushed again while cursing myself for blushing so much. "Now I am" I sighed while standing up and hopping off the stool. "Im leaving" I couldn't take myself blushing and acting so idiotic around him anymore.

Shadow walked toward me and raised a brow "Why?" I slapped myself mentally for forgetting to think of an excuse. "I..uhm" Shadow grabbed my arm while growling lowly "You don't know do you?" my face began to glow red and I kept just repeating the same sentence in his head.

"He's drunk, He's drunk" I looked away and pushed him off and quickly went to see if anyone had noticed us, thankfully nobody has.

I was about to walk away until Shadow grabbed my arm but this time rougher making me yelp in pain, he dragged me away from the island/ the party and too somewhere else. I prepared myself for whatever was going to happen next.


Here you guys go my angels 😇

My werehog ♡ (sonadow)Where stories live. Discover now