Chapter 5 ♡

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Shadow's pov:

I woke up in my bed with a major headache, I growled as I now had to deal with this stupid hangover. I stood up from my bed and almost lost my balance before I caught myself on my bed railing. I shook my head and went to grab some clothes to shower in.

After I did that, I closed my closet door and walked into my bathroom, and closed the door while placing my clothes on the shelf and walking to the shower. I turned to the knob to the left making the water turn on and get hot.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I rested my hand on my forehead trying to calm this headache somehow.

'What did I even do last night- and how did I get to my room?'

I noticed that the mirror was fogging up signaling me that I can shower now, I undressed myself as I walked into the walk-in shower and closed the door behind me.

I grabbed my bottle of soap and began to lather myself down. I closed my eyes as I attempted to regain any memories from yesterday that could answer my 2 questions. I opened them and I notice my head was slowly fading away and I smiled at that. I placed the bottle back down on the rack and grabbed the shampoo and began washing my quills carefully.

My headache began to worsen again as I remembered something from yesterday finally.


"Fine, only one drink." I turned around and smirked while throwing the bottle at Sonic, he quickly caught it before it could break "Why would you do that!?" I shrugged while raising my arms "Fastest thing alive remember? You should be able to catch that" he just rolled his eyes and popped the cap open. he took one last look at the bottle and then at me- who was still smirking making him shudder a bit.

Sonic chugged a bit down before setting the bottle down and staring at me "Happy?"I grabbed the bottle from him and drank the rest, he blushed again."Now I am" he sighed while standing up and hopping off the stool. "Im leaving".

I quickly hopped off the stool as well and walked toward Sonic and raised a brow "Why?" Sonic seemed to hesitant on responding, I grabbed his arm while growling lowly "You don't know do you?" his face began to glow red.

End of Flashback!

My eyes widen a bit from the sudden regain of memory and I washed myself off while humming quietly and letting all the flashbacks appear in my mind. I tried to figure out what I did with Sonic after that so that's what I focused on thinking about and soon.


What are you doing!?" Sonic asked while standing up fully and pulling his arm away from mine finally. I turned around and my eyes seemed to glow even more "You don't deserve to know" I walked closer to the door and tried to read the sign, Sonic walked closer taking a read of it too.

Sonic soon began quickly backing up. I noticed this too and walked up to him raising a brow while growling, "What do you think you're doing?" Sonic frowned as he looked down the hall.

Sonic soon bolted to the end of the hallway, I groaned and chaos controlled. he soon his head on my leg making him fall back and hit the floor too. he groaned as he rubbed his head, looking up he shot daggers at me while I was smirking while crossing my arms.

He was about to say something when I was quick to shoot a quick remark. "Thought you were faster than that, faker" he growled lowly as he stood up but I was already closer to me our noses almost touching, he soon grew a tint of pink on his muzzle as Sonic tried to back away but I soon grabbed my hand and we soon teleported making him jolt up from the sudden change.

End of Flashback!

I started to turn the knob off and put the bottle back on the rack as well as I sighed, why was I doing all of this to Sonic? I act so weirdly when I'm drunk. I sighed as I took a towel down the towel rack and dried my fur and quills from the water and looked at myself in the mirror.

I have to brush my quills now...

I groaned and just finished drying myself off and grabbed my clothes putting them on and fixing them up, I walked closer to the sink counter and opened one of the drawers revealing my black and red brush, I picked it up and closed the drawer back.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I brushed my quills and focused on not messing them up and doing it the right way.

As I was brushing my quills I began to remember something else making me groan.


Sonic's eyes widen as I was suddenly so close to me that our noses touched, my breath hitched as those ruby eyes pierced right through mine and seemed to make me feel something that I didn't want to. I moved closer to my ear and whispered something.

'I'm not that drunk anyways' I leaned in closer and our noses touched, I just smiled, Sonic blushed madly from the sudden change of spots.

Another pair of lips connecting to his made all his thoughts cut off as he began to realize the situation he was in right now. I was kissing him Sonic's face quickly grew hotter as he tried to push away but as much as he tried it didn't work.

End of Flashback!

I blushed madly as I almost dropped my brush, I put the brush back in the correct spot it was in before and opened the door while dropping my clothes in the 'to wash' bin and walking to Rouge's room. I noticed that she wasn't there so maybe she was out?

Good, I need to talk to someone else anyways. I grabbed my shoes and put them on while running down the hall and to the front door and opened it while closing and locking it behind me before running away from the house to find 2 certain people.

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I know the story isn't about werehogs right now, trust me it's the plot. I promise it will phase back into werehog sonic soon 😔

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