Petalburg City - Part 7

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"Eh?" John looked at this boy who just showed up before them. "Did you see my defeat just now and go all 'I can beat him too!' to yourself?" 

Wally looked up at John though with a hurt look in his eyes. "N-no. I-I saw that you had more than one pokemon though. In this city that's a pretty big deal and makes you very strong. So I was wondering if you could h-help me catch my first pokemon, please?"

John's face softened up a bit before he asked "Wait, you don't know how to catch a pokemon?" 

Wally closed his eyes and shook his head and admitted "I've been sick for most of my life and I'm moving to Verdanturf soon. I would really like it if I had a pokemon to be friends with when I move..."

John looked to Kokiri to be sure and knew that his new friend agreed when they locked eyes. "Sure," John started before Kokiri finished the sentence. "We'll help you."

Wally's eyes glistened as he started tearing up. "Th-Thank you!" 

Taken aback by Wally's strange behavior they started stuttering too "Hey if you rub your eyes with your sleeve like that you'll get dust in your eye!" "Oi Oi! D-Don't get teary now! We haven't even found a pokemon for you!" "Wh-Where are we going to search anyways?" "I don't know! This is getting awkward enough, l-lets go!"


So the group arrives at route 102 to help Wally catch his first pokemon. Night was almost upon the route as they discussed how to actually catch a pokemon. 

"Catching a pokemon and sending a pokemon out to battle is very similar. You just push the button on your pokeball and throw it near the pokemon you want. Sorta like a grenade." John showed Wally the gist of it by throwing Trapinch's ball at Dreamer.

"Bag!" Dreamer cried in surprise at the ball hit it on the side of the head revealing the red light that manifested into Trapinch.

"Trapinch!" the ant lion cheerfully chirped before getting tackled out of the line of sight by a rather steamed Bagon. 

"Seriously? More grenade resemblances?" Kokiri shook his head in disappointment. "You've got a little demon inside of you, don't you? But anyways, you shouldn't throw a ball at a wild pokemon if there are multiple other pokemon by it, you're likely to catch the pokemon you don't want if you do that. Pokemon that are currently in groups usually avoid people but the ones caught out alone get scared stiff sometimes and if found will be so startled that they attack. Have our two pokemon accompany you so you won't get hurt." 

Wally reached inside his bag and pulled out a compact-sized pokeball then pushed the button once to enlarge it to fit a pokemon inside of it. "I think I understand now." His face pretty much transformed and showed how serious he was for getting a pokemon. As he ran off into the Grass with Dreamer and Trapinch following him he couldn't help but smile as he quickly found a wild pokemon on it's own. 

"Ralts?" a little white pokemon with a green hat and red spike was drawn to this boys pure determination and excitement. The pokemon liked seeing new things anyways and meeting good creatures that if found by using the psychic powers in the horn on it's head. This sensation was strong though, clearly some future hero was in the area and just started it's journey with lots of excitement. the pokemon wondered which pokemon this emotion could be flow- it's a person. Ralts was so startled by the surprise encounter that it let out a little cry and froze in place as 2 other creatures showed up by the boy, who is surprisingly less startling now that excitement and happiness mixed into the determination. Ralts had never seen animals like the two by the boy with green hair and assumed that they were other pokemon as well. 

"eh-heh!" Wally let out a little giggle as Dreamer and Trapinch playfully approached the Ralts who remembered what it's mother told it about how dangerous some strange things can be and took a step back growling at the two with it's timid face. "Here goes nothing!" Wally shouted as he pressed the button on the ball before throwing it.

Kokiri chocked on his own saliva as he and John were watching the capture from outside the tall grass. "Didn't we tell you NOT to throw a pokeball when the pokemon you're catching is still raring to go?!" 

John glanced at Kokiri and muttered to him. "Actually... no. We didn't. Also, why not?" 

The ball landed right at the Ralts's feet startling it as it became red light and entered the ball. 

Kokiri sighed "A pokemon in good health can fight against the ball and ruins your odds of catching it." 

The ball Ralts was in shook once as Ralts squirmed.

"But then how did I catch Seedot?" John asked.

The ball shook a second time as the Ralts struggled again. 

"Seedot took you as a friend so it had no will to fight, even against the ball." Kokiri started to wonder if Wally had other Pokeballs. 

"oh." John made sense of what he said.

The ball shook a third time, showing that Ralts has nearly given up resisting. 

"I caught my very first pokemon!" Wally cheered out with the brightest smile on his face as he jogged forward to pick up the ball Ralts was in right when it clicked shut finalizing the catch. 

"So he just got lucky then?" John pointed over to Wally who was running back with the ball raised over his head like a proud toddler as Trapinch and Dreamer followed behind him.

"Y-yea...." Kokiri looked at Wally and then at Dreamer as he remembered his first capture. 

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