Petalburg City - Part 3

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So last time I made them meet a kid who knew how to pronounce Oracle and Prophecy but had no idea what recommendation meant. That and despite me having John and Kokiri walking along Route 104 at the end of the previous part I still want to do some things in Petalburg sooo here's a breif summary of what happened in Petalburg Woods.


John was back to back with Kokiri, Trapinch was on the ground fainted, coated in colorful spores, Seedot looked like it was at it's limit too, and Dreamer's nostrils were charred black from all the Ember attacks it had been doing; He was covered in spores too. Around 6 shroomish were on the ground fainted too.

"Shroom Shroom Shroom!" The chaotic chanting of a hoard of 9 remaining Shroomish echoed in their heads.

"Dreamer! Let's get out of here A.S.A.P.! John, Grab your Pokemon and let's flee!" Kokiri shouted as he picked up Dreamer, who used Ember to scare a hole through the Shroomish, giving them a chance to escape.

"Understood!" John shouted back as he returned both pokemon to their pokeballs. "I think we should head back and heal up; I doubt that many Shroomish attacking is reasonable!" John ran after Kokiri. As the two humans and dragon ditched the woods the broke out into a large seaside clearing.

"Come on, let's head to Petalburg again." Kokiri picked up Dreamer and started walking south-east toward the City.

"Definitely." John agreed and walked with Kokiri.


So yea, welcome to the real pokemon world, full of legit dangers that we were lucky enough to avoid in the games.


After healing up in the pokemon center, Kokiri and John were kinda bummed after being wiped out of Petalburg Woods.

"Ah come on Trapinch, you didn't even knock one of them out." John sat down on the grass and fed Trapinch some wild berries that he couldn't recognize, but Trapinch didn't care, it must have liked the berries because it cheerfully ate them up.

"Trap! ~"

"Well, you can't blame Trapinch. It's a contact attacking ground type. Shroomish's ability, Effect Spore, pretty much puts Trapinch in a coma for them to beat the crap out of him. Which you saw first hand." Kokiri pointed out as he pet Dreamer's head.

It didn't take long for John to complain about something else. "Seedot couldn't do much either, Bide takes too long to release and involves Seedot taking a lot of damage."

Kokiri had a response to that too. "Seedot's fighting style is highly disadvantageous for group battles, where Trapinch actually excels, but since shroomish have an advantage over Trapinch it couldn't do it's stuff. Dreamer only succeeded in taking down so many so quickly because of his style, which is like Trapinch's, and that Ember attack, which is distanced."

"When did you get so tactically smart?" John wasn't just complaining now, he was curious. It's been event after event so far and Kokiri hadn't been this smart until now.

"Wait, I seem smarter?" Kokiri hadn't even noticed, still doesn't actually. "I have been training in the gym here in the city, I couldn't get a membership since Dreamer here isn't a normal type but they were kind enough to show me a few pointers."

"Bag-on!" Dreamer was playing peekaboo with Trapinch, who was having a lot of fun for some reason while Seedot looked on from the sidelines.

"Wait, when'd you have time for that?" John leaned toward Kokiri in interest.

"I... uh, I was training in the gym here at this city." Kokiri lied, he actually was always this good and was going easy on John in their battles to seem equal.

"Wait, gym? Like, league official gym?" John remembered why he went on this journey, because his parents wanted the good life of being related to the Champion. "You need to beat 8 gyms around Hoenn to participate in the league, right?".

"Y-yea. That's right!" Kokiri was stunned not only that John couldn't detect his lie but that he was so serious about the gyms. "What about them?"

"I need to see that gym some day, and rules state that the leader must only choose their pokemon based off of how many badges the challenger holds." John stood up and looked around.

"Dot?" Seedot and Trapinch looked up at John in wonder, there was something different about him.

"I'm getting my first badge today!" and with that he started marching south with Seedot skipping behind him and Trapinch wattling too.

"You're going to opposite way." Kokiri stood up too and Dreamer climbed up his leg and arm so it could perch on his shoulder.

As John marched back he got out "I knew that." and marched straight for the largest building in town.

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