Petalburg City - Part 4

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"I completed my pokemon journey in 10 days!"

hahahaha no. It's been like 2 months. And we're just now entering a gym, WHO'S GOING TO BE THE ULTIMATE BADASS?!

Spoiler alert: r%e%d%a%e%L m$y$G e@h@T


Upon arriving Kokiri warned John "I mean, it'd make sense if you had a chance against this guy, since he's the first gym from Littleroot and you have no badges. But he's still strong so watch out I guess."

The building had the style that reminds John of a small Japanese castle, however when they entered they saw a large area dug out of the ground with a flight of stairs leading down to the first room. By first room I mean that there are many rooms set up in the area, in the fashion of a Haiku. Starting in the first room, going to 2 rooms, going to 3, going back to 2, then in the final room they can see a man with a red vest and short hair petting a large ape-like creature, and a disappointed challenger walking away.

"Ah man, I hate haikus." John was already walking down the stairs, not bothering to soak up the culture this place has (because face it, nobody stops to smell the roses in the games xD).

When Kokiri caught up to John at the bottom of stairs a man walked up to them, he was a little husky and had a clearly fake smile displayed. "Welcome to Petalburg, I suppose you're here for your 5th badge? You'll need to beat the trainee in a room of your choice to progress because the doors are locked at the gym needs to be some form of challenge hohoho! But don't attack me, these doors are already unlocked."

John jabbed his hand right into his gut.

"Oof! Hey kid what was that for?!" His voice was confused and angry now.

"Wah?! Sorry mister! You just seemed so fake doing that I thought you were a hologram and wanted to test it." John took a step back and turned his shoulder to the man defensively with his hands head high where the angry man can see them, cliche like and all.

"What? Aw is it really that obvious? Awww..." he gloomed over, casting an abnormally dark and slanted shadow despite the sun being directly overhead.

"Bag- Bagon!" Dreamer was playing with Kokiri's hands, and ocasionally jumping off. John and Kokiri had decided before entering that John will battle Norman first, though John didn't know who Norman was until Kokiri told him.

"Also, we're here for our first badge. The gym leader needs to use first gym pokemon if the challenger has no badges, as I'm sure you know." Kokiri looked up at the guide and spoke out.

"Uh, yes... definitely true."

Most trainers in hoenn go through the leagues in a set order identical to that of Brendan and May's, the Heros of Hoenn. First they defeat Roxanne, wrestle with Brawly, shock Wattson, smoke Flannery, toss down with Norman, knock Winona out of the skies, make Tate and Liza's mind explode, and make a wake out in the last gym, Run by post-champion Wallace. There are plenty of other gyms to battle in but those 8 seemed to be the most popular in the region.

"So, I already said the rules... go on ahead I guess? For not having any badges you sure know what you're doing..." He muttered the last part as John walked through the room on the left, the sign over it read "Speed Room."


"Anyone in here?" John walked into the room and glanced around, where a large cat with Purple fur was laying on the ground next to a sign which was written on in Japanese.

"Delcatty!" it meowed and flipped the sign over. On the back it said "On lunch break, please pet the Delcatty in the meantime."

"I already hate this gym."



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