Route 104 - Part 1

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"Hey, Young boys!" A man called out to Kokiri and John as they passed the gym on their way out of town. "I heard you helped my son, Wally, get his first pokemon. The poor boy has never been able to make any friends and us as parents have no pokemon of our own to help him get his. It really means a lot to us that he got a pokemon in time before the move. We're moving to Verdanturf and the air is fresher there so it should do his health good, but it won't do as good as the pokemon he's spending so much time with. Thank you." The man reached into his back pocket and pulled out a Sea-blue colored disc with it's own case from his pocket. "This is the hidden machine for Surf, a powerful water type move that can let you ride any pokemon that learns it when you're on a body of water... so they say."

John and Kokiri stopped by the man and received the disc. "Thank you very much, sir. Tell your son that we say Good Luck!" John gave the man the thumbs up and put the disc in his bag. "We'll need a machine to teach the information on the disc to a pokemon, right?" John looked to Kokiri.

"You're catching on! Good boy." Kokiri mocked John and patted his head before running away off to route 104 with John angrily chasing after him.


"So now what?" John finally caught up to Kokiri.

"He said you needed 4 more gym badges before you should challenge him again, so I say we head for the nearest gym that you might actually beat. Well, I'm not to sure where all the gyms are so lets head for the nearest city, which is Rustboro to the north, past Petalburg Woods." Kokiri opened up a town map he brought from his home before he started traveling with John.

"We have to go back in there? We got whipped hard last time." John doubted the suggestion.

"We'll need to be careful then. Last time we stumbled into a Shroomish nest because we couldn't identify it. We'll need to ask someone who knows the forest well..." Kokiri looked around the route and saw a group of young trainers with bug nets cheering in a group on the other side of some tall grass.

"Looks like they would know, we should go see them." Kokiri walked over to the group and saw what they were cheering over, it was a Ninjask race, but it was a pretty dumb one. They had the course way too small, the stupid fast flying bee-like pokemon had to fly around a berry tree repeatedly.

John followed up close behind "What's going on here?"

"It's just some people wasting time. When this is over we should ask them for some help." Kokiri sighed and sat down, John did too.

Shortly after however a girl no older than 13 rode in on a bike. She wearing a pair of fancy sunglasses, A blue jacket by the looks of it, a blue cap with white pokeball print on it, and had a blue waist-bag on. "Break it up you guys!" She shouted at the mob of bug catchers.

"What? Who's that?"

"Hey isn't that..?"

"No way! It is!"

"Who?" John asked right as the boys started flocking towards her.

"Lady Sapphire!" They shouted in unison as the crowd of trainers started asking for autographs.

"Who?" John asked Kokiri this time, only to find he's missing.

"Sapphire! Miss Sapphire! Sign my pokeball! please! You're so amazing! Best Coordinator by far! Please notice me!" Kokiri's voice was heard from within the crowd of people saying just about the same thing.

Suddenly the shouts hushed like a quick storm as this Sapphire character held a pen in the air. "I'm out of pens." She declared. "So can you stop hosting these private contests that bore the pokemon?" she sighed.

"Yes! Lady Sapphire!" The group shouted then started walking away as Kokiri walked back to John full of disappointment.

"She didn't sign my Premier Ball..." he sulked.

"Who?" John asked again, his eye brow twitching from impatience.

"Oh right, you just moved here so you wouldn't know the stars of this Region. We have the 3 gems of Hoenn and we're near one of them right now, Sapphire. She's won every single Master Rank Contest and nobody knows who she really is, she just showed up and dominated within a month really with a single pikachu that she always has around her. Rumor has it that she's awesome at battles too. The others are Ruby and Emerald. Ruby retired from championship as he claimed that "Someone" is better than him and he went to train shortly after in Meteor Falls. People have scoured the area clean but nobody can actually find him, but there is tons of reoccurring evidence that he's still there. It made T.V. a week ago that he was in Fallarbor town for one of Sapphire's contests before disappearing again. Lastly there is Emerald. He's a legend no doubt but everyone he meets has sworn loyalty to never anyone who he is. Or who she is for all we know. All the elite 4 know Emerald but the current champion claims to have never seen him. The fan club makes a big deal over Emerald all the time, and believes that Emerald is so good that he's the reason Ruby went training." Kokiri ranted out a large explanation as John walked towards Sapphire.

"A friend of mine told me you have a Pikachu that won every single contest by your side all the time, but I don't see one. Where is it?" John spoke up to Sapphire who started feeding a snail made of lava who's hardened shell spewed flames occasionally, while 4 mysterious eggs were strapped to it.

"..." Sapphire paused for a second and then returned her lava snail pokemon. "I'd love to stop and chat but I have an interview in Rustboro I need to attend to. " she bounced the question off and adjusted her sunglasses before getting on her bike and riding off to the woods.

"Hurry! If we follow her we can get to Rustboro City, too!" John shouted to Kokiri.

"Nothing on the news said anything about interviews... and following her seems- hey! Wait up!" Kokiri stopped muttering as he ran after John into Petalburg woods.

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