Petalburg Woods - Part 1

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(absolutely non-important history time!)

A couple of decades ago, today's Route 104 was once part of the Petalburg woods too. People in Petalburg Town wanted to expand to the Eastern Coast and put a harbor there for the ships from far away regions such as Kanto or Kalos to land at and redirect a some capital into the town for business. So a construction crew from Rustboro came down at the request from the town and started clearing out trees to clear a path from the town to the coast, after a path was deforested an outbreak in a Marill population had a permanent outbreak and it was decided then that the moment would be a good time to build the harbor... the Marill disagreed. Turns out the Marill didn't want any urbanization near the shore so they interfered with everything the crew needed in order for progress, needless to say that the development came to a stand still.

Then at that time a world renowned sailor, Mr. Briney, showed up and convinced the crew and town to listen to the pokemon and to cease development, leaving just a single pier and a foundation structure no bigger than a house. Mr. Briney himself paid for the structure and pier to make it worth the crews time and has lived in the house he made of it there ever since. It was decided since then as well not to remove any more forest making it a protected, pokemon Sanctuary.


John and Kokiri charged into the forest, following the sound of Sapphire's bike as it trudged through tall grass and bumped it's way over roots and rocks, eventually they boys did lose track of her as they ran out of stamina to keep running.

"Hey." Kokiri panted. "It was a good idea to chase her down to blitz our way onto the right trail. But now the question is can we make it on our own?" Kokiri took a deep breath as he hadn't quite caught his breath before talking.

"Well, we're screwed if we can't." John was breathing a bit heavier, and had a lot less breath control than Kokiri. He looked around at his surroundings though to see if maybe he could see the other end of the forest, but obviously he couldn't. He also noticed how unbeaten the trail was.

Kokiri yawned. "Well, we know what that's a sign of. We better hurry before it becomes night too."

And with that the boys walked on, keeping an eye on the grass for wild pokemon and evidence of May's bike's path.


A few hours later they were very tired from the amount of drowsiness that any Slakoth were giving off, the stress that the threat of wild pokemon were giving, and the sheer amount of walking they did. So tired in fact that they stumbled into a Shroomish Nest, which is identifiable, as they learned, by the sheer amount of powder like spores on nearby plants and the smell of rotting leaves that they forage for food.

"Shroomisshhhhh!" One trilled out, alerting other Shroomish in the area of the boys' presence.

"Crap. We're done for." John said as the spore cloud exploded before them, but a Slakoth's yawn attack finally activated right before the cloud hit them.


John woke up in a Pokemon Center.

"Had a nice nap?" the nurse looked at him and smiled that smile of "I don't actually care" that I'm sure we've all seen before.

"What?" John sneezed after asking the simple question.

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