Petalburg City - Part 2

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Revolutions_Blade is in the midst of his own story, sorta like a parallel universe crossing sections of- never mind, just read Hoenn's Unlikely Savior by yourself because I like it xD

Oo! And say Gawne sent ya' :D


John surfaced from the water and held his hand to the back of his head where a noticeably large bump had surfaced where the Magikarp hit him. "HEY KID!" he shouted as he swam in place to stay afloat. "What was that for?! If you knocked me unconscious I'd have drowned!"

"How are you still alive?! Adventurers can't swim I thought! What do I do?! He told me to get rid of the next adventurer from Littleroot and I failed!" The kid started crying and shouting to himself about oracles and prophecies and whoever told this kid to do whatever.

"Trap Trapin' "! Trapinch bounded up to John as he climbed out of the water.

"Hold on Trapinch, I'm going to take care of this kid the traditional way." John muttered to Trapinch. "Hey, Kid with the 'karp!" our protagonist shouted at the seemingly once-innocent kid.

Sobbing, the kid looked up at John while his Magikarp flopped next to him.

"We're going to have an official pokemon battle now. I'll go jump down into that pond again if you win, and if I win you're going to go back to whoever sent you and tell them that you succeeded with your mission or whatever, so I can continue my quest without some assassin after me."

Suddenly the kid's eyes lit up. "So you're giving me another chance mister? Then I'll accept your challenge!"


"So you seriously don't know about why you're all Joy and good at your jobs?" Kokiri is still talking with the Nurse Joy of Petalburg.

"No, I j-just told you everything I know..." she muttered, barely audible (She was so quiet even the narrator [THAT'S ME :D] doesn't know what she said exactly). "I've always wanted to know what is up with us... I guess less so as I got older and work kept me from finding answers." She looked down and wore a face of regret.

"If you want, I can go find some answers for you." Kokiri picks Dreamer, who fell asleep, off the counter.

"T-Thanks. I guess it's the thought that counts." She almost looked as if she was crying.

"Riiight, the thought...* Kokiri looks at John's shirt. "Well, I have to go give this to my buddy, I'll probably see you later." and with that, Kokiri left as Joy waved goodbye.

After leaving the Pokemon Center Kokiri goes out to find John and get the show back on the road, which doesn't take long, as our shirtless hero (and Trapinch) face off against a little boy and his Magikarp.


"John, You should put a shirt on before you're made an outlaw here too." John heard Kokiri shout from his right, and right before he turned his head Kokiri threw the Backpack right at his face, with the shirt attached of course.

In a minor moment of badassery John Catches the backpack then puts his shirt on. "Ok, let's get started with our battle now!"

"Trrap!" Trapinch barked, rolling it's R. (Yes, the bug barked.)

"Yes! Let's!" The kid/assassin/bastard agreed and threw out a standard pokeball. My first pokemon is my pride and joy, Come on out Floppy!

"Magikarp!" Another Orange bony fish appeared from with'in the ball.

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