Route 101 - Part 2

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It's been a too long since I've uploaded something, mostly in part to me being in a race with 9 other people on who can complete Pokemon Emerald first. No this story won't count ;P


"Mom! You once tried to take a job as one of the Nurses in Pokemon Centers, right?!"

John barged through the front door of his house, hoping he could get his mother's help. He's not wrong for going to her though, she passed every section of college training for Pokemon nursing except sporting real red hair, she couldn't help but whine about it for weeks on end.

"Oh, hi Sweety! Welcome home, don't tell me you've failed your journey already? Now what's this about my career choice that you wish to know?" John's mother responded, modestly?!

"Huh? I mean, Trapinch fainted and I don't know how to take care of it, would you please nurse him back to health so I can..." he sighs, "...continue my adventure?"

"Well if I muuust~!" The tone was back in her voice, he knew to act quickly! "Please, the way normal mothers who know how to heal pokemon do. Actually, better yet, keep your shirt on." John quickly shot out (A.N. Now I can call this PG-13 and not get yelled at :D!). "

"Trapinch Trap!" The little ant lion pokemon yipped as it tried playing with John's feet, full of fresh energy. "Thanks Mom, I sincerely appreciate it." John bowed to his mom as he slowly inched backwards to the door. "No problem Sweety, just don't push your pokemon too hard. A good trainer takes breaks, and stock up on potions of the sort!" She waved to him, noticing he's already at the door, and like that John shot off to the north. Back to route 101...

with a Trapinch latched onto the bag of his pants.

"So are you ready to head to Odale town?" Kokiri asked, munching away at an unripe Pecha berry. "Well, I'd like to check out the wild pokemon in this area of Hoenn first. What about you? Will you be well enough to stand in a few minutes after eating that unripe psncure berry?" John responded, then pointed to the pinkish-white, half eaten berry in Kokiri's hand. "psncure? This is a Pecha berry. Sure it's nature's antidote for all poisons but it can't just be named after what it does! That's Johoto logic." Kokiri grumbled loud enough to John, then took another bite of his berry. "Doesn't change what it is, and I'm from Johoto." John retorted.

Suddenly, just like that Kokiri went pale and had a slight green to his face, and he darted behind the bushes. "Told you." John shouted back to him.

"Trap Trap Trapinch Trap Trapinch!" Trapinch pawed at Johns shoe, demanding attention.

"heh heh, you spoiled little thing, I don't treat you like royalty yet you're living the high life." John picked up the Trapinch which nuzzled his chest "Trapinch!" it yipped again. "Hey, let's go train so we can beat Dreamer some day!"

So they went off into the tall grass again searching for some stuff to have Trapinch carry around in order to raise his stamina and muscle capabilities. What came to a shock though was that they were quickly attacked by more pokemon than what rumors say, they were weak and proved much better training for Trapinch than the new trainer and Pokemon expected.

"You're doing great Trapinch, you've gotten a lot stronger!" John encouraged Trapinch who had just won a battle against a pitifully weak Zigzagoon. "Trapi-inch!" It responded back with a smile. Suddenly, a little Wurple, Hoenn's national bug, came up to the Trapinch, stringy webs can be seen from it's mouth. "Huh? What's with that Wurmple? It's purple..." John looked down at the Wurmple and Trapinch got into it's fighting stance. Trapinch opened it's mouth as much as it can and clamped down as hard as it can 5 times, the period between each clamp slightly longer than the previous (A.N. Wild Trapinch use this to deter foes away while they build their famous inescapable pits, John figured they can deter away weak foes with this and get the most out of their time.)

The purple Wurmple didn't back down. "Alright Trapinch, remember how to fight Wurmples? Stay at a distance until they realize String Shot won't work and they charge in for a tackle, then Bite them as hard as you can!"

Trapinch obeyed and moved away from the bug-type, making threatening noises to the Wurmple as it did so. Wurmple quickly did just as expected and shot out a bloody lot of stringy webs from it's mouth at Trapinch. Thanks to the distance between Trapinch and Wurmple, Trapinch could move out of the way of the Strings, but then Wurmple did something nobody expected. It shot another stream of string in front of Trapinch and hit Trapinch right in the mouth, sealing it shut.

John was left speechless at what just happened, did this Wurmple watch their battles? "Oh dear, this could be difficult." John muttered with a feeling of dread washing over him.

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