Rustboro City - Part 1

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John got off the couch he was apparently sleeping on and walked up to the unfamiliar-yet-familiar nurse that he was apparently in the vicinity of.

"Uhhhh, where am I?" John asked, not thinking about how stupid it must have been to ask that question given the dramatic irony of reading someone else's fanfiction.

"Uhhhh..." This new Nurse Joy understood the irony more than anyone, probably. "You're in Rustboro City." she said, regaining her cool. "We have some tourist pamphlets over on the shelf to your right."

"Ok, thanks." John said, before awkwardly walking over to the shelf while noticing how quiet everything was. Like, no music, no people other than them, no machines whirring, nothing. John then picked up one of the pamphlets on the shelf and started reading it over. Turns out he was at Rustboro City, which is good. It also turns out that there are many features to Rustboro for tourists too, such as luxury hotels, public-watch Gym battles, the Devon Cooperation, Trainer School, and other tourist traps set up by locals to-

we're off track.

John remembered that he and Kokiri are supposed to be battling Roxanne for the first badge, since she was apparently weaker than Norman's first badge and close. He had no idea how she'd be weaker than Norman since her gym is right in the middle of the second largest city in Hoenn (Or so he learned from reading) meaning she'd have to have more brats challenging her.

"There's no way Kokiri or I will have a chance against her..." John muttered to himself.

"Who's Kokiri? A pokemon of yours?" Since nobody was around at all the Nurse decided to speak to John.

"Nope, he's a friend of mine. Human-friend. We're going to battle Roxanne soon, apparently."

"I figured as much." She looked at the pamphlet John was holding, which read "Hear ye' Trainers! I say hear ye'!" as the title showed a picture of Roxanne that looked like it was copy and pasted off of a stalker's blog.

"So where is he now?" She asked before gesturing to the room that nobody was present.

"..." John started looking around, just now noticing he didn't know.

"Now that I think about it.... I can't even remember how I got out of the woods." John put the pamphlet back and asked what time it was.

"2:18 A.M." was the reply.

"Well, that sucks." John said as he checked up on whether or not he still had his own belongings.

After a few quick tosses he confirmed that he still had Trapinch, Seedot, and no other pokemon. Trapinch seemed pretty angry at John to his dismay, Seedot just seemed a bit venomous with his monotonous cries.

"Hold on you two, I don't remember anything since the forest! I think you're angry over something I was not in control of doing. If so, I'm sorry!" John pleaded for forgiveness in assumption he did something wrong. Seedot went back to normal (A.N. I think?) but Trapinch remained a little hurt, but contented.

"Dot." Seedot noticed something new in John's backpack and scuttled over to it before somehow pulling a light green disc out. "Seedot?" Seedot kind of just stared at it, like the Nurse is doing in the background.

"Is this a move disc?" John asked himself when looking over it to check which one.

"Yea, and the term is Technical Machine, or T.M." The nurse called out, probably bored from working nights.

John pocketed that tidbit of knowledge and found the name of the move, Bullet Seed.

"Dot." Seedot nudged John.

"You want me to teach you this move?"

"See." Seedot quickly responded.

"Wait!" Nurse Joy called out before John plugged in the disc to his Pokedex. "If you were to do that you would scratch the disc upon use making unusable. The P.C. in the back can write the move onto a blank disc for you at a small cost, but you won't lose that disc. You can also check the details of that move for free."

"Oh sweet, thanks." John was happy that there was a useful and non-maniacal women finally. His adventure has been pretty sexist.

The door to the Pokemon Center opened and a big buff guy, who looked pretty beat up, came in to heal his pokemon, which seemed to be in worse shape from whatever mess he got into. John didn't care much and went to check out the TM's details as Seedot and Trapinch followed.

"TM 09, BULLET SEED." The computer read out after scanning the disc in it. "TYPE: GRASS; POWER: 10; ACCURACY: PINPOINT; DESCRIPTION: SHOOTS TWO TO FIVE SEEDS IN A ROW TO HIT THE FOE." It's mechanical voice echoed throughout the back room, and the trainer in nurse in the other room might have heard it too if the nurse's machine wasn't making such a racket with the healing.

"It'd be good to give you a grass type move. Especially since it will smoke a rock type gym leader like autumn leafs."

"See." Seedot agreed, as he usually does when he says "See.".

Trapinch remained a background character, just kinda taking it all in.

"Seedot Seedot." Seedot nudged John.

"Okay! Okay!" John succumbed to Seedot's hyper-monotony. John went back to working the computer and clicked some software called "Technical Machine Copy". Once the program booted up he put the disc in and checked how much it would cost to copy it.

"Only 1.5k poke'. That's expensive, but for TMs I guess its worth it?" John went for his wallet and found a rude surprise when he opened it.

"Where did all my money go?!" John pretty much shouted, which everyone in the building had to have heard, before pulling out his measly 1398 poke' that he had left, less than half of what he left Petalburg with.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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