Littleroot Town - Part 3

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Sorry, I personally didn't like last chapter, but if you lasted this long you clearly would like to see what adventures John will come through, or what his first Pokemon will even be xD!!!

hint hint.


"Thanks for -wheeze- saving me Kokiri."

John was panting, hands on his bent knees. He ran for his life from Kokiri's bodyguard after his new friend caught her fist. Was it rude? Yes. Does John care? No.

"Help! I'm being attacked!" John heard a man cry out. Is someone in trouble? John mentally knocked himself in the head, of course he is he just said it, as he rushed over to where a man was running in circles being chased by a wild Zigzagoon, which looked like it was just playing tag or something.

"In my bag there are some pokemon I keep on me, hurry save me!" Cried out the man in a lab coat. "You're in no real danger, just look at it..." John muttered as he turned back to the town, sheesh. What's with these people?

"Wait, where are you going?! Don't leave me!!" Cried Mr. wuss, tears streaming down his face as he ran in circles some more. "Fine! I'll fix your stupid problem." John jogged over to a small shoulder bag that lay in the grass, the site of it laying there with 3 pokeballs near it made one feel as though a glorious destiny was there instead of some wimps bag.

John grabbed one of the pokeballs and threw it at the Zigzagoon, it bounced off it's head and landed in the grass.

The Zigzagoon stops chasing the man and glares at John "Crap! Goooood normal ziggy pokemon.... easy Zigzagoon...." John slowly reached down and picked up another pokeball. "Sucker!" He shouted as he threw the pokeball. The Zigzagoon lunged but was hit by the ball again. "Score!" John shouted.

The Zigzagoon got back up. "What are you doing?! Don't you know how to use a pokeball? You're supposed to press the button then throw it, like a grenade!" The man yelled to John, but the Zigzagoon tackled John again and pinned him to the ground, but John wasn't too far from the last pokeball. John smashes the ball, button side forward, on the Zigzagoon's head knocking it off him and releasing the pokemon in the ball.

"Mudkip!" cried the blue amphibious water type. "So I heard you liek Mudkipz?" The recently saved man mocked. "Huh? Mudkipz? Is this thing a Mudkipz?" John blanked as the Zigzagoon growled. "Nevermind." The guy sighed. "Alright then, let's do this! Mudkipz, do whatever you do!" John shouted pointing to the Zigzagoon.

Mudkip charged the Zigzagoon with Tackle and landed a blow, but the growling weakened the blow. The Zigzagoon retaliated with a tackle of it's own but the Mudkip growled back weakening it's blow too. "This is dumb. They're only tackling each other in turns! At least the Zigzagoon is trying to dodge but it's too slow... Don't these pokemon know any other moves?" John complained to the guy, who was ferociously jotting notes down watching the battle. Zigzagoon used Growl, Mudkip used Tackle. "They're just little pokemon right now, they haven't grown strong yet. So no, they don't know how to do anything else but growl and tackle."

By now the Zigzagoon was badly injured and the Mudkip was dinged up, but this time it was growling at the Zigzagoon as it tackled. "Mud-!" It cried as it got flung through the air. It shakily got up, hurt as bad as the Zigzagoon. "Mudkipz!" John cried out as the Zigzagoon charged again. "Dodge to the left!" John cried again. Matrix mode, the Mudkip pivots out of the way of the Zigzagoon dodging the tackle, and tackled on it's own landing an attack right in Zigzagoon's blind spot. "Whoa, Critical Hit!" The man cried out as he closed his notebook.

Zigzagoon lay in the grass, unconscious, while the Proffesor walked up to John and the Mudkip "Thanks so much for saving me! Stop by my lab later and I'll give you a pokemon!"

Free Pokemon? This could help John out so much in his quest. He'll need all the help he can get! "Will do!" he called out, as a beat up Zigzagoon fled the scene.

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