Secret crush

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Jimin had been secretly crushing on Jungkook for months, but he never had the courage to tell him how he felt. He was afraid of ruining their friendship, and he wasn't sure if Jungkook felt the same way.

One day, while they were practicing their dance routine in the studio, Jimin couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. He took a deep breath and confessed his love to Jungkook, expecting the worst.

To his surprise, Jungkook's face lit up with a smile, and he reached out to hold Jimin's hand. "I've been waiting for you to say that," he said softly.

From that moment on, their relationship changed. They started dating in secret, stealing kisses and embraces whenever they could. They were careful not to let anyone else know, afraid of how their fans and the media would react.

But as their love for each other grew stronger, they realized they couldn't keep their relationship a secret forever. They decided to go public with their love, knowing that it would be a risk, but also knowing that their fans and true supporters would accept them for who they are.

It was a hard decision, but when they finally came out as a couple, the support they received was overwhelming. Their fans were happy for them, and the media praised them for their bravery and honesty.

And as they held hands in public, smiling at each other with love in their eyes, they knew that they had made the right decision. They were together, and nothing could ever change that.

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