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Jimin's heart pounded in his chest as he stood before the full-length mirror, adjusting his dress for the upcoming mating ceremony. His brother, Jihyun, had found love in the arms of the desirable Alpha, Jungkook, and they were planning to seal their bond that day. The pack buzzed with excitement, as Jungkook's position within the pack hierarchy would be solidified.

The atmosphere drastically shifted when Jihyun went missing on the day of the ceremony. Panic spread throughout the pack as they frantically searched for him. Hours turned into an agonizing wait until the devastating news arrived—Jihyun's lifeless body had been discovered.

Jimin's heart shattered into pieces. Not only had he lost his beloved brother, but he was now faced with an uncertain future. Jungkook couldn't achieve a higher position without an Omega by his side, and Jimin was seen as an undesirable Omega. Both families decided to bring Jimin and Jungkook together to perform the mating ritual before the ceremony ended.

Jimin found himself sitting on the edge of their shared bed, lost in his thoughts. The door creaked open, and Jungkook entered the room, his expression filled with sorrow and guilt.

"Jimin," Jungkook said softly, his voice laced with remorse. "I never wanted any of this to happen. I'm sorry for the situation we're in."

Jimin looked up, tears welling in his eyes. "It's not your fault, Jungkook. None of us expected this tragedy."

Jungkook approached him, a mix of uncertainty and determination in his eyes. "I know it's far from ideal, but I'll do my best to take care of you. We'll face this together, Jimin."

Jimin nodded, his voice choked with emotion. "I'll try, Jungkook."

Days turned into weeks, and Jimin and Jungkook embarked on their mated life. It wasn't an easy journey. They faced conflicts and struggles, trying to bridge the gap between them. Jimin's fragile body became a source of worry, as he doubted his ability to fulfill the traditional Omega role. He yearned for Jungkook to see beyond his weaknesses and love him for who he was.

One evening, as they sat at the dining table, tension hung in the air. Jimin poked at his food, his voice laced with frustration. "I don't understand, Jungkook. You said you'd take care of me, but it feels like you're only fulfilling an obligation. I need more than just empty words."

Jungkook sighed, his eyes filled with a mix of guilt and longing. "Jimin, it's not that simple. I'm trying to navigate this new reality, to adjust to our bond. It takes time."

Jimin's voice quivered with suppressed emotions. "But I need you to see me, Jungkook. To see beyond my fragility and recognize my strength. I can't bear being treated like a burden."

Jungkook reached across the table, his hand trembling as he took hold of Jimin's. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I've been so focused on what I should be as an Alpha that I've neglected to truly see you. But I promise, from this moment on, I'll make an effort to understand and appreciate every part of you."

Jimin and Jungkook's mated life was not as easy as they had anticipated. Although Jungkook tried his best to take care of Jimin, his weak body made him susceptible to illnesses and fatigue. Jungkook often felt helpless and frustrated, not knowing how to help Jimin.

Despite their struggles, they had learned to love each other. Jimin was grateful for everything Jungkook did for him, and Jungkook had come to appreciate Jimin's gentle nature.

One day, the pack held a feast to celebrate a successful hunt. Jimin sat at a table with some other omegas, chatting and laughing with them. Jungkook, on the other hand, sat at a nearby table with some alphas, feeling left out of the conversation.

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