"Endless Devotion"

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3rd pov

Jungkook's 15th birthday party was in full swing, with guests dancing to the beat of the music and eating delicious food. The birthday boy himself was having a great time, surrounded by his friends, including a girl named Yuna. Jungkook had known Yuna for years, and she had always been a good friend to him, even though she secretly harbored feelings for him.

As the night wore on, Yuna and Jungkook found themselves sitting together on a couch in a quiet corner of the room. "Thanks for coming to my party, Yuna. It means a lot to me," Jungkook said, smiling at her.

"Of course, Kook. I wouldn't miss it for the world," Yuna replied, returning his smile. "I hope you're having a great time."

"I am. But you know what would make it even better?" Jungkook asked, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

"What?" Yuna asked, curious.

"If you danced with me," Jungkook said, holding out his hand.

Yuna blushed but took his hand nonetheless. They danced together, their bodies moving in sync with the music, and for a moment, Yuna forgot about everything else. She was lost in the moment, lost in the feeling of being close to Jungkook.

But that moment was shattered when several men suddenly burst into the mansion, brandishing guns and shouting in a language Yuna didn't understand. Chaos erupted as people started screaming and running in all directions.

Yuna's heart pounded in her chest as she looked around frantically for Jungkook. But he was nowhere to be seen. She heard a commotion coming from upstairs and raced towards it, her heart in her throat.

When she reached Jungkook's room, she found the door ajar and a few of Jungkook's bodyguards lying unconscious on the ground. Yuna's heart sank as she realized what had happened. They had taken Jungkook.

As the police tried to locate Jungkook, Yuna felt helpless. She knew she had to do something, anything to help find him. She made a decision then and there to become a police officer so that she could bring those responsible for Jungkook's kidnapping to justice.

Years went by, and Yuna worked tirelessly to become a police officer. She had a reputation for never failing to do her job, and it was that reputation that landed her on a mission to bring down the Park mafia, the very same people who had taken Jungkook.

Yuna and her team were closing in on the mafia when they were suddenly ambushed. Yuna fought bravely, but she was outnumbered and outmatched. She was captured and brought before a high-ranking member of the mafia for questioning.

When she saw who it was, Yuna's heart stopped. It was Jungkook. But he was different now. His once innocent, shy demeanor had been replaced by a hardened, cold expression. He had chin-length wavy black hair, and tattoos covered his muscular body.

"Hello, Yuna. Long time no see," Jungkook said, his voice devoid of emotion.

Yuna was speechless. "J-Jungkook? What happened to you?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

"I grew up, Yuna. Things change," Jungkook replied, his eyes never leaving hers.

"What happened to you that night? Why did they take you?" Yuna asked, her voice trembling.

"It's complicated," Jungkook said, sighing. "My father failed to pay back his debts, and I was taken as collateral. But that's not important now."

"Not important? Jungkook, you were taken by the mafia! What do you mean it's not important?"

Jungkook sighed heavily. "I mean that it's not important for you to know. You should leave now before anything happens to you."

The female friend stood her ground. "I won't leave until I know what's going on with you, Jungkook. We've been friends for years, and I'm not leaving you in this situation."

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