Caged Beauties

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Jungkook woke up groggily, disoriented and unsure of his surroundings. The room was small and dimly lit, and the walls seemed to close in on him. Panic set in as he realized the door was locked, and he couldn't find a way out. He pounded on the door, shouting for help, but his cries echoed back to him, unanswered.

Three times a day, a pretty boy would appear with a tray of food. Jungkook's initial suspicion fell on the timid boy as his captor. The boy rarely made eye contact, always looking down, and never spoke a word. Jungkook was convinced that the boy was the one responsible for his imprisonment.

Weeks turned into months, and Jungkook's frustration and desperation grew. One day, fueled by anger and desperation, he decided to take matters into his own hands. As the boy entered with the food, Jungkook launched himself at him, overpowering him with unexpected strength. He pinned the boy to the ground, demanding answers and a way out.

The boy's eyes were wide with fear, and he tried to shake his head, indicating he couldn't speak. Jungkook's anger only intensified, and he ignored the silent plea. However, his attempt to escape failed as the boy managed to wriggle free and ran out of the room, crying and screaming.

In the following weeks, the pretty boy continued to bring food, but Jungkook noticed the bruises and marks on his body, the consequences of Jungkook's earlier attack. Guilt gnawed at him, realizing that he might have been wrong about the boy's involvement in his captivity.

One day, while the boy brought food, Jungkook hesitated for a moment. "Wait… what's your name?" he asked, hoping to establish some form of connection.

The boy looked at him with teary eyes, scribbling on a notepad he brought along. His handwriting was shaky, but it read 'Jimin.' Jungkook felt a pang in his heart as he realized that this boy, Jimin, was also a victim.

As days passed, Jungkook learned more about Jimin through their limited communication. Jimin had been trapped in this nightmarish existence for much longer than Jungkook. He had been brought here by a powerful and obsessive girl who saw attractive men as her possessions, keeping them locked away like pets.

The girl had connections with influential people, and her sadistic desires went unchecked by the law. Jungkook's heart sank, realizing that escaping this nightmare might be nearly impossible. But he refused to give up.

One day, Jimin managed to slip Jungkook a letter, explaining how he had been rendered mute by the girl after she cut out his tongue to silence him. Jungkook's anger flared once again, but he knew they had to be careful if they were to have any chance at freedom.

They devised a plan, using the few tools they had in the room. They communicated through gestures and written notes. They practiced their escape, waiting for the right moment to make their move.

Finally, the day came when they saw an opportunity. The girl had grown overconfident, and some of her previous 'decorations' had managed to escape, causing her anger and frustration. During her outburst, she left the room unlocked for a brief moment.

Jungkook and Jimin seized the opportunity, making their daring escape. They navigated the labyrinthine corridors, trying to stay out of sight while searching for an exit.

As they neared freedom, they encountered other men, trapped like they once were. Determined to liberate them too, Jungkook and Jimin managed to free the captives, who joined their desperate dash for freedom.

The chase was relentless, but with sheer determination and their combined strength, they managed to overpower the guards the girl had stationed throughout the compound. At last, they reached the outside world, where law enforcement had been alerted about the girl's heinous crimes.

The captives were finally free, but the emotional scars remained. Jungkook and Jimin formed a deep bond through their shared trauma, supporting each other in their path to healing and recovery.

Though the nightmare had ended, they knew that the memories would never truly fade away. However, together, they would find solace and strength, knowing they were no longer caged beauties, but free souls determined to live their lives to the fullest.

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