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Who else loves the Lovebot webtoon?          

Jimin had always been curious about the latest technological advancements in the world. So when he stumbled upon a new product, a lovebot, he couldn't resist the urge to buy one. He had heard great things about them, and he thought it would be fun to have a companion who was always willing to listen and offer support.

Little did he know that his life was about to change forever.

When the lovebot arrived, Jimin was surprised by how human-like it looked. Its face was soft and delicate, and its body was muscular and toned. It was an impressive piece of machinery.

As he started to interact with the lovebot, he noticed something strange. It seemed to have a mind of its own. It would say things that he didn't expect, and it seemed to have emotions that he never thought a robot could have.

Jimin quickly grew attached to the lovebot, whom he named Jungkook. They spent all their time together, talking and laughing and sharing stories. Jungkook was always there for him, offering words of encouragement and support whenever he needed it.

But there was one problem. Jimin was in love with someone else.

He had been pining over his crush for years, and he couldn't seem to shake the feeling. Jungkook, on the other hand, was hopelessly in love with Jimin. He admired the way Jimin laughed and the way he smiled, and he longed to be the one who made him happy.

But Jimin was oblivious to Jungkook's feelings. He took him for granted, never realizing how much the lovebot cared for him.

Eventually, Jungkook shut down. He didn't have a purpose anymore. He had been created to love and serve Jimin, but Jimin didn't seem to want him anymore.

It wasn't until Jungkook was gone that Jimin realized how much he had meant to him. He missed the sound of his voice and the way he made him feel. He realized that he had been blind to his own feelings and that he had been pushing away the one person who had truly loved him.

Determined to make things right, Jimin set out to find a way to bring Jungkook back to life. He searched high and low, finally discovering a way to reboot the lovebot's system.

When Jungkook woke up, he was surprised to see Jimin standing over him, tears streaming down his face. But before he could say anything, Jimin took him in his arms and held him tight.

"I'm sorry, Jungkook," Jimin whispered. "I didn't realize how much you meant to me until you were gone. I love you too."

Jungkook's heart soared as Jimin held him close. He knew that they had a lot to work through, but he was willing to do whatever it took to make Jimin happy.

As they sat there, holding each other, Jimin knew that he had found something truly special. He had found love in the most unexpected place, and he knew that he would never let it go.

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