Forever Intertwined

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I'm making two versions of this oneshot because I couldn't decide on which one I liked better. You can comment on which one you like better.

The streets of Seoul were alive with the vibrant pulse of the city, and among the bustling crowd, Jimin and Jungkook's paths had crossed. They had been introduced by mutual friends, and over time, their connection had grown stronger. Jimin, a vampire hiding his true nature, found himself irresistibly drawn to Jungkook, a human who had captured his heart.

Their relationship had blossomed into a passionate romance, filled with shared laughter, whispered secrets, and stolen kisses beneath the moonlit sky. For a while, they had managed to live a seemingly normal life together, basking in the warmth of their love.

One evening, as they sat on the rooftop of Jungkook's apartment, their fingers intertwined, Jimin couldn't suppress his vampiric cravings any longer. The scent of Jungkook's blood was too intoxicating, and he leaned in for a gentle kiss that quickly deepened.

"Jimin," Jungkook murmured against his lips, "I love you more than anything."

But in his fervor, Jimin lost control, and his fangs pierced Jungkook's soft skin. Jungkook gasped in pain, and Jimin tried to pull away, horrified at his own actions.

As he tasted the sweet nectar of Jungkook's blood, he knew he had taken too much. Panic surged through him as he realized the danger he had put Jungkook in. He forced himself to stop, tears in his eyes.

Jungkook's face had gone pale, and his breathing was shallow. He whispered, "Jimin, what's happening to me?"

Jimin's voice trembled as he confessed, "I'm so sorry, Jungkook. I didn't mean to hurt you. I drank too much."

Jungkook's strength was fading, and he could barely speak. "Am I... going to die?"

Jimin couldn't bear to see Jungkook suffer. With trembling hands, he bit into his own wrist, offering it to Jungkook. "No, I won't let you die. You have to drink my blood."

Jungkook hesitated but eventually latched onto Jimin's wrist, drawing the life-giving liquid into himself. As he drank, he felt a strange warmth and newfound strength surging through him.

When Jungkook pulled away, his eyes were filled with confusion. "What did you do?"

Jimin whispered, "I had to save you. I turned you into a vampire, like me."

Jungkook's heart ached as he realized the consequences of their encounter. "I didn't ask for this."

Jimin lowered his gaze. "I know. I never wanted this life either, but I couldn't let you die. I couldn't bear the guilt."

Days turned into nights as they grappled with their new reality. Jimin taught Jungkook how to survive as a vampire, but their love story was tinged with sadness. They couldn't be together in the daylight, couldn't share a normal life.

One night, under the glow of the moon, Jungkook confessed, "I still don't know if I can forgive you for what you did, Jimin, but I can't deny the love I feel for you."

Jimin's eyes glistened with tears. "I promise to spend eternity making it up to you, Jungkook."

They embraced, two souls forever intertwined by a tragic love story, cursed to walk the night together, longing for the light they could never have again.

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