Royal Intrigue

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Jimin had been out in the forest, hunting alone, when he caught sight of a figure in the distance. It was a human, dressed in regal attire, and surrounded by a retinue of guards. But as Jimin watched, something about the human caught his eye. There was something different, something that drew him in.

As the human turned and looked directly at him, Jimin's heart skipped a beat. There was something in those eyes, something that spoke to him on a primal level. Without thinking, Jimin began to follow the human, keeping a careful distance as he trailed him through the forest.

He watched as the human made his way to a grand palace, surrounded by high walls and guarded by more soldiers than Jimin had ever seen in one place. But even as he watched, Jimin knew that he couldn't stay away. There was something pulling him towards the human, a force that he couldn't resist.

Without hesitation, Jimin followed Jungkook to the palace, determined to become his mate. When Jungkook discovered Jimin sneaking around the palace, he was surprised at first, but then he found himself drawn to the beautiful and wild omega.

Jungkook knew that Jimin liked him and he felt a connection too. He decided to let Jimin stay in the palace, giving him a place to live and food to eat. At first, Jimin was hesitant and scared, not used to the luxury and grandeur of the palace. But Jungkook was kind and patient, showing Jimin around and teaching him about the customs and traditions of the kingdom.

As the days passed, Jimin's feelings for Jungkook grew stronger. He found himself longing for Jungkook's touch, his scent, his very presence. Jungkook, too, felt the same pull towards Jimin, and he couldn't resist the omega's wild and untamed beauty. They spent many nights together, lost in each other's arms, the only sounds the soft rustle of fur and the beating of their hearts.

But their happiness was not to last. One day, the kingdom was abuzz with news of Jungkook's upcoming marriage to a prince from an ally kingdom. Jimin's heart sank at the news, knowing that this meant he could never be with Jungkook. He tried to hide his feelings, but his animalistic nature couldn't be contained, and he lashed out at the new prince whenever he could.

Jimin felt betrayed and hurt by Jungkook's decision to marry someone else. He couldn't stand to see Jungkook with the new prince, and he was rude and mean to him at every opportunity. He even tried to sabotage the new prince's attempts to win over Jungkook, hoping that he could convince Jungkook to choose him instead.

Jungkook was torn between his duty to the kingdom and his love for Jimin. He tried to calm Jimin down and show him that he still cared for him deeply, but it seemed like nothing could soothe Jimin's jealousy and anger.

As the wedding day approached, Jimin became increasingly agitated. He knew that he couldn't bear to see Jungkook marry someone else, and he resolved to do whatever it took to stop the wedding.

On the day of the wedding, Jimin broke into the ceremony, snarling and baring his teeth. He lunged at the new prince, hoping to drive him away from Jungkook. But Jungkook stood between them, trying to calm Jimin down and keep the peace.

It was only when the king himself intervened that the situation calmed down. He scolded Jimin for his behavior and reminded him of his duty to the kingdom. But despite the king's stern words, Jungkook couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt and responsibility for Jimin's outburst.

As the wedding went on, Jimin couldn't bear to watch. He slipped away from the ceremony and ran into the forest, tears streaming down his face. He knew that he had lost Jungkook forever, and he didn't know how he could go on without him.

But Jungkook couldn't forget about Jimin either. He knew that he loved him, and he couldn't shake the feeling that he was making a mistake by marrying the new prince. As the ceremony drew to a close, Jungkook made a decision.

He broke away from the crowd and ran into the forest, searching for Jimin. He found him sitting by a tree, his head buried in his hands. Jungkook sat down beside him, taking his hand and rubbing soothing circles on his back.

"I can't do this, Jimin," Jungkook said softly. "I can't marry someone I don't love. I love you, and I want to be with you."

Jimin looked up at him, his eyes wide with disbelief. " really mean that?" he asked.

Jungkook nodded, his heart pounding with emotion. "I do," he said. "I can't imagine my life without you, Jimin. Please, will you be with me?"

Jimin threw himself into Jungkook's arms, crying tears of joy. "Yes," he said, his voice choked with emotion. "Yes, I'll be with you, Jungkook."

And so, Jungkook and Jimin were finally able to be together. They left the kingdom behind, embarking on a new life together in the wilderness. They faced many challenges and struggles, but through it all, their love only grew stronger.

As for the prince, he eventually found love with someone else, and he and Jungkook remained on friendly terms. But it was Jimin who held the key to Jungkook's heart, and he knew that he would never let him go. Together, they lived happily ever after.

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