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3rd pov

Jimin was a self-centered, rude, close-minded, and selfish omega. He was the richest omega in his high school and his parents had given him everything he wanted. Jimin had a group of friends who followed him everywhere he went and he enjoyed the attention he received from them.

Jungkook was another omega in their school who had always admired Jimin from afar. He was shy and awkward, but he was also kind and caring. He had a crush on Jimin for as long as he could remember, but he never had the courage to tell him.

One day, Jungkook decided to confess his feelings to Jimin, a day before their farewell. He waited for Jimin after school and nervously approached him.

"Jimin, I know this might come as a surprise, but I have feelings for you," Jungkook said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jimin looked at him with a mix of amusement and disgust. "You have feelings for me? That's cute, Jungkook. But I'm not interested in someone like you."

Jungkook's heart shattered into a million pieces. He couldn't believe the person he had admired and adored for so long had just crushed him like that.

Jimin and his friends thought it would be funny to play a cruel prank on Jungkook during their farewell. They invited him to a fake party and then humiliated him in front of everyone. Jungkook was devastated and felt like his whole world had fallen apart.

Years passed, and Jimin became a successful model. He had everything he ever wanted, except for someone to share his life with. He walked into a coffee shop one day and smelled the scent of an Alpha. He instantly liked the scent and wanted the Alpha for himself.

He followed the scent and saw a muscular back of an Alpha, talking to a female omega. He tapped the Alpha on the back, and the Alpha turned around, and Jimin saw that it was Jungkook. Jungkook had transitioned from an omega to an Alpha years ago.

Jimin couldn't believe his luck. He had always thought of Jungkook as a shy and awkward omega, but now he was a successful and attractive Alpha. He wanted Jungkook for himself.

But when he approached Jungkook, Jungkook looked at him with a mixture of disgust and hatred. "What are you doing here, Jimin? I don't want anything to do with you."

Jimin felt a pang of guilt and regret. He knew that he had hurt Jungkook in the past, but he didn't expect Jungkook to hate him this much.

But Jimin wasn't one to give up so easily. He tried to talk to Jungkook, but every time he approached him, Jungkook shut him down. Jimin realized that he needed to do something to win Jungkook back.

Meanwhile, Seojoon, a rival model who had been in the industry for longer than Jimin, was jealous of Jimin's success. Seojoon spread rumors about Jimin, saying that he was arrogant and difficult to work with. These rumors caused Jimin to lose several contracts, and he was starting to lose his place in the industry.

Jimin was devastated, but he refused to let Seojoon win. He worked hard to prove himself and slowly started to regain his position in the industry.

However, Seojoon wasn't done with Jimin yet. He knew that Jungkook had a soft spot for Jimin, and he wanted to use that to his advantage.

Seojoon started to pursue Jungkook, trying to win him over with his charm and good looks. Jungkook was hesitant at first, but he eventually started to fall for Seojoon's manipulative tactics. Jimin couldn't believe it when he saw Jungkook with Seojoon at a fashion show. He felt a pang of jealousy and knew that he had to do something to win Jungkook back.

Jimin decided to confront Jungkook and tell him the truth about Seojoon. He found Jungkook outside the fashion show and begged him to listen to him.

"Jungkook, please listen to me. Seojoon is not who he seems to be. He's just using you to get to me. I know I hurt you in the past, but I've changed. I'm not that person anymore. Please give me a chance to make it up to you," Jimin pleaded.

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