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3rd Pov

Jimin and Jungkook had been dating for almost a year, and they were happier than ever. They loved spending time together, going on adventures, and creating content for their respective YouTube channels. However, their happiness was threatened by the toxic fandom that had developed around Jungkook's channel.

Jungkook was one of the most popular YouTubers in the world, with millions of subscribers and fans who were obsessed with every aspect of his life. They loved watching his videos, commenting on his posts, and speculating about his relationships. Unfortunately, some of his fans were convinced that he was secretly dating another popular YouTuber named Lisa, and they were not happy about Jimin's presence in his life.

Every time Jungkook posted a new video or went to a fan meet, the fans would ask him about Lisa and ignore Jimin completely. They would comment on Jimin's posts with hateful messages, telling him to stay away from Jungkook and accusing him of trying to ruin Liskook, the ship name for Lisa and Jungkook. They even made fan art and fan fiction about the two of them, imagining them in romantic scenarios and calling Jimin all sorts of derogatory names.

At first, Jimin tried to ignore the hate. He knew that Jungkook loved him and that they had something special. But as time went on, he couldn't help feeling jealous and insecure. He wondered if Jungkook really loved him as much as he said he did, and he felt like he was constantly competing with Lisa for his attention.

One day, Jimin decided that enough was enough. He needed to confront Lisa and put an end to the rumors once and for all. He messaged her on Instagram and asked to meet in person.

Lisa was hesitant at first, but eventually she agreed to meet Jimin at a nearby café. When they sat down, Jimin didn't waste any time.

"Lisa, I need to talk to you about the rumors that you and Jungkook are dating," he said. "They're not true, and they're causing a lot of problems for us."

Lisa looked annoyed. "I don't know what you're talking about, Jimin. Jungkook and I are just friends."

Jimin wasn't convinced. "Then why won't you do anything to stop the rumors? Why won't you tell your fans that you're not dating Jungkook?"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "Because it's good for my channel, obviously. It's bringing in a lot of views and attention. Why would I give that up?"

Jimin felt a surge of anger. He couldn't believe that someone would be so selfish and insensitive. "You're using our relationship to promote your own career? That's disgusting. You're hurting me and Jungkook, and you don't even care."

Lisa shrugged. "It's not my fault that your relationship can't handle a little bit of competition. Maybe if you were more secure in your love for each other, you wouldn't be so affected by what my fans say."

Jimin stood up, seething with rage. "You're not worth my time, Lisa. I hope one day you realize how wrong you are."

As he stormed out of the café, he heard Lisa laughing behind him. It only fueled his anger even more.

When he got home, Jungkook was waiting for him. He could see the sadness in his eyes and the tension in his body.

"Did you talk to Lisa?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin nodded. "She doesn't care about us, Jungkook. All she cares about is her channel and her own ego. I can't believe I thought she was a decent person."

Jungkook pulled Jimin into a hug. "I'm sorry, Jimin. I know how hard this has been for you. But please, don't let her get to you. We know how we feel about each other, and that's all that matters."

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