I hate victim jimin

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Hey sorry this isn't a oneshot. Just a rant. Readers can discuss about it in the comments. So like I fucking despise fanfics where jimin is portrayed as a victim. Mostly because the writers do a bad job at it and make Jungkook seem like a vile villain. Like for example I read a fanfic where Jungkook was literally raped and blackmailed to sleep with and date a girl and makes sex jokes to cope with his trauma and everyone including characters and readers acted like Jungkook was at fault for being raped and blackmailed and jimin was just a uwu poor baby who got "cheated on* even though it's not cheating its rape. A recent fanfic I read Jungkook was drugged and blackmailed by a obsessed girl to leave jimin and date her. Every chapter with Jungkook's monologue is about how depressed Jungkook is and how much he wants to commit suicide and how he believes jimin can easily replace him. Readers kept commenting acting like Jungkook is the fucking anti-christ even though jimin literally continued to sleep with taehyung literally the entire book trying to make sure Jungkook knows he's replaced him just to hurt Jungkook while knowing fully well that taehyung loves him and he's using taehyung. No one said anything about jimin's behavior. I just hope I've never given y'all such frustrations with my characters. If I have feel free to talk in the comments. Y'all can talk about anything related to the topic or add suggestions or whatever else y'all want. I know the writing is a mess its cuz I'm too worked up to add punctuation.

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