Song of the ocean

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The gentle waves caressed the shoreline, their rhythmic motion a lullaby to the sleepy coastal village. In this world, where the unusual was ordinary, sirens were not merely legends but a delicacy sought after by those with a taste for the forbidden. Jimin, a young siren with enchanting melodies and shimmering azure scales, had fallen victim to the cruel fate that awaited his kind.

One fateful morning, as the sun began its ascent over the horizon, Jimin found himself entangled in the intricate web of a fisherman's net. Panic surged through his veins as he thrashed about, the sound of his melodic cries stifled by the cloth of captivity. The fisherman, a grizzled man named Jeon Chul-soo, marveled at his unexpected catch. Greed twinkled in his eyes as he envisioned the riches that would soon be bestowed upon him.

Meanwhile, in a quaint coastal mansion perched on a cliff overlooking the sea, Jeon Jungkook, the only son of Jeon Chul-soo, began his day with the sound of the crashing waves echoing in his ears. Unlike his father, Jungkook possessed a compassionate soul, yearning for something more than the mundane existence he was accustomed to.

News of the captured siren quickly spread throughout the village, igniting a buzz of excitement among the villagers. Jimin's fate seemed sealed as his beauty became a coveted prize, destined to be served on a platter. The townsfolk justified their desires, believing that the sirens, who were known to lure sailors to their doom, deserved such a fate.

Jungkook's heart ached at the sight of the ethereal creature, now confined to a large, glass tank in their estate's courtyard. The siren's melancholic eyes seemed to hold a depth of sorrow that tugged at Jungkook's soul. Unable to resist the call of compassion, he found himself drawn to the tank each day, silently observing Jimin's graceful movements.

One evening, as the golden rays of sunset painted the sky in hues of crimson and amber, Jungkook mustered the courage to speak to the siren. He approached the tank cautiously, his voice gentle but filled with longing.

"You have a voice that could enchant the heavens, yet you are trapped here," Jungkook whispered, his words carried away by the salty breeze. "I wish I could set you free."

Jimin's luminous eyes met Jungkook's, filled with a mixture of fear and yearning. He longed for his freedom, for the vastness of the ocean that once cradled him, and for the melodies that danced upon the wind. Jungkook's presence offered a glimmer of hope in his darkest hour.

Days turned into weeks, and their encounters grew more frequent. Jungkook shared stories of his dreams and aspirations, while Jimin expressed his longing for the vast expanse of the ocean. Their hearts intertwined in a bond that transcended the barriers of their worlds.

Yet, amidst their blossoming affection, a storm brewed within the mansion's walls. Jeon Chul-soo, driven by greed and the village's twisted logic, devised a plan to fatten Jimin before serving him as a grand feast for his influential friends. Unbeknownst to Jungkook, his father aimed to fulfill his desires through an act that threatened to shatter the fragile love that had taken root.

As Jimin's condition deteriorated, Jungkook's concern deepened. He confronted his father, his voice laced with desperation and determination. "Father, please understand that we cannot justify our desires by committing such an act. Jimin is not a creature to be consumed, but a sentient being with feelings and emotions," Jungkook pleaded, his voice trembling with emotion.

Jeon Chul-soo turned to his son, his face stern and unyielding. "Jungkook, you may have grown fond of the siren, but you must remember that our people have been eating sirens for generations. It is a tradition, a way to protect ourselves from their deadly songs."

"But, Father, Jimin hasn't done anything wrong! He hasn't harmed anyone," Jungkook argued, his heart torn between loyalty to his family and his burgeoning love for the captive siren.

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