Royal Heirloom

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Jimin had always known that he was an omega. He had always been told that he was meant to be the perfect spouse for an alpha. He had been raised to be obedient, compliant, and submissive. He had been taught that his only purpose in life was to be a mate for an alpha and to bear his children.

When Jimin was selected as one of the five omegas to marry Prince Jungkook, he had been ecstatic. He knew that this was his chance to live a life of luxury and comfort. He would be the spouse of a royal and would have everything he ever wanted. He felt like his dreams were finally coming true.

But the reality of the situation was not what he had expected. Jimin found himself among four other omegas - three females and one male - who were all vying for the Prince's attention. The females were all beautiful and accomplished in their own way, and Jimin felt like he was out of his league.

The first few weeks were spent in anticipation of the wedding day. Jimin spent his days with the other omegas, learning about royal etiquette and how to be the perfect spouse for an alpha. But he couldn't help but notice the tension between the females. They would glare at each other when they thought no one was looking and would often whisper behind each other's backs.

Jimin tried to ignore it, thinking that it was just nerves and anxiety about the upcoming wedding. But as the days went on, he realized that there was something more going on. The females were all competing for the Prince's attention, and they were not above using underhanded tactics to get what they wanted.

Jimin tried to distance himself from the drama, but he couldn't help feeling like he was caught in the middle. The other omegas would often make snide comments about him, saying that he was just a male omega and that he didn't belong among them. Jimin tried to ignore them, but the comments stung.

On the day of the wedding, Jimin found himself standing among the other omegas, waiting for Prince Jungkook to arrive. The females were all dressed in elaborate gowns, their hair perfectly styled and their makeup flawless. Jimin felt out of place in his simple suit, but he tried to stand tall and look confident.

When Prince Jungkook arrived, Jimin's heart skipped a beat. He was even more handsome in person than he was in the pictures. Jimin felt his cheeks flush as the Prince made his way down the aisle, his eyes fixed on the five omegas standing before him.

The ceremony was beautiful, with the Prince reciting his vows and the omegas promising to be faithful and loyal spouses. Jimin felt a surge of pride as he recited his own vows, promising to honor and serve the Prince for the rest of his life.

After the ceremony, Jimin was escorted to his chamber. He felt a mix of nerves and excitement as he waited for the Prince to arrive. He knew that he was only allowed to mate with the Prince once every two years, but he couldn't help feeling a little hopeful that he would be the one chosen tonight.

As he sat on the bed, trying to calm his nerves, he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The door opened and Prince Jungkook stepped inside. Jimin felt his heart race as the Prince made his way towards him.

"You look beautiful," the Prince said, his eyes fixed on Jimin's face.

"Thank you, Your Highness," Jimin said, bowing his head.

The Prince sat down beside him on the bed and took his hand. "I have chosen you to be my first mate," he said softly.

Jimin felt his heart skip a beat at the Prince's words. He had never felt so honored in his life. He looked up at the Prince, his eyes shining with gratitude.

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