Sweet Slick Treats

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Jimin hummed softly to himself as he arranged the display case of his bakery, Omega Sweets, with his latest creation - a tray of decadent cupcakes infused with omega slick. His bakery was well-known among alphas, who came from far and wide to taste his delicious treats infused with omega slick. He had a selection of slick samples for alphas to try so he could make them treats with the slick they liked.

The bakery was located in a quiet corner of the city, away from the bustling crowds and noise of the main streets. It was a cozy little shop, with warm lighting and the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods filling the air. Jimin had always loved baking, and when he realized the potential of omega slick to help unmated alphas through their ruts, he had decided to open his own bakery.

As he straightened up, he noticed a young man standing in front of the counter, looking around uncertainly. Jimin smiled at him, noticing how he seemed to shrink back a little at the attention.

"Can I help you?" Jimin asked, stepping forward.

The young man nodded quickly. "Uh, yes. I'm looking for something sweet to eat."

Jimin's smile widened. "Well, you've come to the right place. We specialize in treats infused with omega slick, if you're interested."

The young man's eyes widened. "I've heard about your bakery. Your slick treats are famous among alphas. I'm actually here to try one."

Jimin's heart swelled with pride. He had worked hard to establish his bakery's reputation, and it was gratifying to know that his treats were helping alphas through their ruts.

"Of course," Jimin said, gesturing to the display case. "Which one would you like to try?"

The young man looked at the samples laid out on the counter, but his face scrunched up in distaste as he sampled a few. Jimin felt a twinge of disappointment. He had always prided himself on the quality of his slick treats, and it was rare for someone not to like them.

"Is there something you don't like?" Jimin asked gently.

The young man hesitated. "It's not that I don't like them. They're just not...what I'm looking for."

Jimin frowned. "What are you looking for, then?"

The young man looked down, his cheeks flushing. "I don't know. I've never really tried slick before. I just heard that your treats were...effective."

Jimin nodded, understanding dawning on him. "I see. Well, I have a selection of slick samples that you can try. We can find one that you like, and then I can make you a treat with that slick."

The young man's eyes widened. "Really? That would be great."

Jimin gestured to the slick samples on the counter. "Go ahead and try a few. Let me know which ones you like."

The young man hesitated, but Jimin could see the curiosity in his eyes. He tentatively sampled a few of the slicks, but his face remained impassive.

"Is there anything you like?" Jimin asked, trying to keep the disappointment out of his voice.

The young man shook his head. "I'm sorry. They all taste the same to me."

Jimin frowned, feeling a pang of sympathy for the young man. "It's okay. I have one more sample that you can try. It's a little different from the others."

The young man looked intrigued. "Different? How?"

"It's my own slick," Jimin said, feeling a little nervous as he reached for a small vial behind the counter. "I usually don't use my own slick for the treats, but I thought you might like to try it. It's a little sweeter and more...delicate than the others."

The young man looked hesitant for a moment, but then he nodded, his eyes fixed on Jimin's. "Okay. I'll try it."

Jimin uncapped the vial and held it out to the young man, who took it tentatively. He opened the vial and sniffed the contents, his eyes widening in surprise.

"It smells...good," he said, looking up at Jimin in wonder.

Jimin felt a flutter of pleasure in his chest. He had always been self-conscious about his own slick, worried that it wasn't good enough for his bakery's treats. But seeing the young man's reaction, he felt a sense of pride and satisfaction.

"Go ahead and try it," Jimin said, gesturing to the slick samples.

The young man dipped his finger into the slick and brought it to his lips, his eyes closing in pleasure as he savored the taste. Jimin watched him, feeling a little dizzy with desire as he imagined the young man's mouth on his own slick.

"It's...amazing," the young man said, his voice slightly breathless.

Jimin smiled, feeling a sense of triumph. "I'm glad you like it. Would you like me to make you a treat with that slick?"

The young man nodded eagerly, and Jimin felt a sense of excitement as he got to work, mixing the slick into the batter and shaping it into a cupcake. He felt a little shy as he handed the finished product to the young man, hoping that he would like it.

The young man took a bite of the cupcake, and Jimin watched him anxiously, waiting for his reaction. The young man's eyes widened, and he let out a soft moan of pleasure.

"It's...so good," he said, his eyes fixed on Jimin's.

Jimin felt a rush of warmth in his chest, and he smiled shyly. "I'm glad you like it."

The young man finished the cupcake, licking his fingers clean, and Jimin felt a sense of satisfaction as he watched him. He had never felt so connected to a customer before, and he couldn't help feeling a little drawn to the young man.

"Thank you," the young man said, his voice soft. "That was amazing."

"It was my pleasure," Jimin said, feeling a little shy.

The young man hesitated, then reached across the counter and took Jimin's hand in his own. Jimin felt a jolt of electricity as their skin touched, and he looked up at the young man, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Can I come back?" the young man asked, his eyes fixed on Jimin's.

Jimin felt a surge of hope and desire. "Of course. I'd love to see you again."

The young man smiled, a little shyly. "My name is Jungkook, by the way."

Jimin felt a rush of pleasure at the sound of his name. "I'm Jimin."

Jungkook's eyes sparkled as he looked at Jimin. "It's nice to meet you, Jimin."

Jimin felt a sense of excitement as he watched Jungkook leave the bakery, already looking forward to the next time they would meet. He had never felt so drawn to someone before, and he couldn't help feeling a little hopeful that this might be the start of something special.

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