Price of Deceit

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The night was shrouded in an oppressive silence, broken only by the occasional cry of a nocturnal creature. In the heart of a lavish palace, beneath golden chandeliers and amidst velvet drapes, Jimin stood before the king, his heart pounding with excitement. He had volunteered to undertake a dangerous mission, one that promised unimaginable wealth in return.

The Homosacramagicus, an ancient race known for their magical abilities, had been the target of human hatred for centuries. Labeled as demons, they were hunted and driven into hiding. Recently, whispers of an uprising among them had reached the king's ears. Their leader, Jungkook, was known for his preference for men, and this piece of information had birthed a plan in the king's devious mind.

"Jimin," the king's voice was a low, calculating murmur, "you shall infiltrate their territory. Seduce their leader, gain his trust, and learn their secrets. When the time is right, you will signal us, and we will obliterate them. In return, you shall be rewarded handsomely."

Jimin bowed deeply, concealing the gleam of greed in his eyes. "Yes, Your Majesty. I will not fail you."

The king's lips curled into a sinister smile. "I trust you won't, Jimin. Remember, the wealth you desire is within your grasp. Just follow through with the plan."

As Jimin left the throne room, he couldn't help but imagine the riches awaiting him. Gold, jewels, and a life of luxury. Nothing else mattered. Certainly not the lives of a few so-called demons.


Disguised as a wandering traveler, Jimin crossed the border into Homosacramagicus territory. His clothes were tattered, and he looked every bit the helpless human. As he stumbled through the forest, he was soon found by a patrol of the mystical beings. They were ethereal, with an otherworldly beauty and a gentle aura that belied the fearsome reputation they had among humans.

One of them stepped forward, a tall figure with dark hair and piercing eyes that seemed to see through Jimin's very soul. This was Jungkook, the leader of the Homosacramagicus. Jimin's heart skipped a beat as he met the man's gaze, but he quickly reminded himself of his mission.

"Help... please," Jimin whispered, collapsing dramatically.

Jungkook's eyes softened, and he gestured for his companions to help. "Bring him to the village. We cannot abandon him."

As they carried Jimin to safety, he marveled at their kindness. These so-called demons were nothing like the monsters he had been led to believe. The Homosacramagicus nursed him back to health, never once questioning his presence. They were peaceful, living in harmony with nature and each other.

Jimin began his seduction carefully. He spent his days helping with chores, offering smiles and kind words. Jungkook was always near, overseeing the village and ensuring Jimin's comfort. Slowly, Jimin wove his web, drawing Jungkook closer with each passing day.


Jimin was nothing if not meticulous. He played the part of the grateful, innocent human flawlessly, masking his true intentions behind a facade of wide-eyed wonder and gratitude. Every night, as he lay in the bed they had generously provided, he plotted his next move.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and painted the sky in hues of gold and crimson, Jimin found Jungkook alone by the village's sacred spring. The leader was deep in thought, the water reflecting his troubled expression.

"Jungkook," Jimin called softly, approaching him with a shy smile.

Jungkook looked up, his eyes softening when he saw Jimin. "Jimin, what brings you here?"

"I couldn't sleep," Jimin lied smoothly. "I thought a walk might help."

Jungkook nodded, gesturing for Jimin to join him. "This place is special. It calms the mind."

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