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The bustling scent of antiseptic filled the air as Jimin nervously shifted on the examination table. He couldn't deny the way his heart fluttered whenever he saw his alpha gynecologist, Dr. Jeon Jungkook. The taller alpha was kind-hearted, dedicated to his profession, and blissfully unaware of Jimin's attraction towards him.

Jimin had always been captivated by Jungkook's infectious smile, his strong and caring aura. He often found himself daydreaming about running his hands through the alpha's raven locks, feeling the warmth of his touch. However, the omega's fantasies were tempered by the knowledge that Jungkook was, in essence, a charming himbo who failed to understand his advances.

During each visit to Jungkook's clinic, Jimin couldn't help but test the waters of seduction. He'd subtly shift his body, giving the alpha glimpses of his smooth, porcelain skin, and allow his fingers to brush against Jungkook's accidentally-on-purpose. Jimin knew that his advances were subtle, yet he hoped that one day Jungkook would catch on.

But Jimin's plans didn't always go according to script. His attempts were met with obliviousness, as Jungkook smiled politely and carried on with his medical duties. The omega's confidence wavered, wondering if Jungkook was simply immune to his charms.

One afternoon, as Jimin lay on the examination table, clad in a thin hospital gown, his heart raced at the thought of another chance to catch Jungkook's attention. His breath hitched as he saw Jungkook enter the room, his eyes sparkling with professionalism.

"Hello, Jimin. How are you feeling today?" Jungkook greeted, his voice gentle yet distant.

Jimin swallowed hard, mustering up all the courage he could find. "I'm feeling better, Dr. Jeon. But you know, I always feel better when you're around," he added, flashing a coy smile.

Jungkook blinked, momentarily taken aback by the omega's words. He simply nodded, assuming Jimin was referring to his competence as a gynecologist. Little did he know the double entendre that lay beneath Jimin's statement.

As Jungkook conducted the examination, Jimin's pulse quickened. He allowed his fingers to graze against the alpha's hand "accidentally," hoping to evoke a response. Yet, Jungkook remained unfazed, his mind focused on his professional duties.

The more Jimin's attempts at seduction went unnoticed, the stronger his emotions became. Jealousy began to rear its ugly head whenever he witnessed other omegas flirt with Jungkook, hoping for a moment of his attention. It ignited a fire within Jimin, fueling his determination to make the alpha see him in a different light.

On a particularly eventful day, when Jimin entered the clinic, he noticed a beautiful omega chatting animatedly with Jungkook at the reception desk. Her laughter echoed through the room, making Jimin's heart sink with envy.

Determined to stake his claim, Jimin approached them, wearing a subtle yet enticing outfit that accentuated his delicate features and hugged his curves in all the right places. His eyes locked onto Jungkook's, silently pleading for the alpha's attention.

"Dr. Jeon, I see you're already occupied," Jimin said, his voice laced with a hint of playful jealousy.

Jungkook tore his gaze away from the omega at the reception desk, his eyes widening as he took in Jimin's appearance. The soft fabric of Jimin's outfit left little to the imagination, and Jungkook's breath caught in his throat.

"Oh, Jimin! I didn't realize you were here. This is Yuna, a new patient," Jungkook introduced, his voice slightly shaky.

Jimin gave Yuna a polite smile before turning his attention back to Jungkook. "I see you're quite popular among the omegas, Dr. Jeon. It seems I have some competition."

Jungkook chuckled nervously, oblivious to the true depth of Jimin's emotions. "Oh, it's not like that, Jimin. I'm just doing my job. You're all important to me."

The words fell on deaf ears as Jimin's heart sank even further. His attempts to grab Jungkook's attention seemed futile, and a sense of resignation began to settle in. But just as he was about to retreat, something shifted in the air.

Yuna, sensing the tension, excused herself and left the clinic, leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone. The alpha's eyes darted back to Jimin, his gaze lingering on the omega's flushed cheeks and slightly parted lips.

Jimin mustered up the last ounce of courage within him. "Dr. Jeon, have you ever considered that our interactions might be more than just doctor-patient?"

Jungkook blinked, his mind racing to catch up with Jimin's words. He struggled to process the subtle confession. "What do you mean, Jimin?"

Jimin took a step closer, their bodies almost touching. "I mean... I've always felt a deeper connection with you. I've been trying to show you, but it seems like you're immune to my advances."

Jungkook's eyes widened, realization dawning on him. He had been oblivious to Jimin's subtle seduction all along, dismissing it as harmless flirting. But now, the truth lay bare before him.

"I... I had no idea, Jimin. I'm so sorry," Jungkook stammered, his voice laced with regret.

Jimin's heart skipped a beat, hope flickering within him. "Is it too late? Can you see me in a different light?"

Jungkook gently cupped Jimin's cheek, his touch sending shivers down the omega's spine. "Jimin, you've always captivated me. I just never knew how to respond. But now that I do, I want to explore this connection with you. If you'll allow me."

Jimin's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a mixture of relief and joy flooding his being. "Of course, Jungkook. I've been waiting for this moment."

Their lips finally met in a tender, passionate kiss, sealing their newfound understanding. The barriers between them crumbled as they embarked on a journey of exploration and love, finally free from misunderstandings and missed opportunities.

In that small clinic room, their desires intertwined, and the sweet melody of their hearts played the tune of a love that had been waiting patiently to blossom.


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