0.1 characters & introduction!!

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face claims!!!
Arden Atonal

18 , Lesbian , Aquarius , She/her

Isaiah Wells20 , Straight , Aries , he /him

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Isaiah Wells
20 , Straight , Aries , he /him

Isaiah Wells20 , Straight , Aries , he /him

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Indigo Taylors

19 , Bisexual , Pisces , she/they

Clementine Hanlon19 , unlabeled , Gemini , they/them

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Clementine Hanlon
19 , unlabeled , Gemini , they/them

Bella Ramsey as themselves 19 , unlabeled , Libra , they/them

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Bella Ramsey as themselves
19 , unlabeled , Libra , they/them

This story is entirely fiction and there will be no smut because

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This story is entirely fiction and there will be no smut because...ew y'all nasty LOL.

This is also both an irl and online story, it wont be entirely slow burn because i am impatient DJHEJDBVHE

When I first started writing this silly story Bella went by all pronouns, so in the older chapters I used all but they've since switched to only they/them so in the newer chapters that's all I use :)

anyways, i hope you enjoy!!!

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