Chapter 27. Finally time

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hi! quick A/N

Bella has changed their pronouns to they/them so I will be using those pronouns from now on!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, thank you for all the love and support, I appreciate it more than anything!! <3 :)

- Sawyer


Arden grunted as she turned over to grab her phone off the nightstand

it was the day after the sleepover and everyone had gone home yesterday, now it was just Ari and Clem in the house, back to normal


The phone kept ringing until finally she hit accept call before even checking who it was

"hello?" she spoke in a sleepy voice

"good morning sleepyhead!!" Bella spoke on the other end

"good morning Bellie" she yawned

Today was also the day Arden and Indigo would get on a plane to the UK

"are you excited?" Bella smiled

"hell yeah I am! and tired, what time is it anyway?"

"it's 4:45 am for you darling"

"so earlyyyyy"

"yeah but your flight is at 7:00, so I am doing you a favor!"

"fair enoughhhhhh"

"now get up"

"bbbbuuuuuuuuut" Arden groaned


"okay okay!!"

"are you all packed??"

"yep, everything is ready, and so is Indy, I'm picking her up at 6:00"

"okay good, well I just wanted to wake you up and such, go get ready, I love you my girl"

"I love you too Bellie, ill see you later" Arden smiled and Bella hung up the phone

Arden sighed as she got out of bed and grabbed the clothes she picked the night before, walking to the bathroom to change

"ARIII!" Clementine shouted from the living room as Arden walked to the bathroom






Arden closed the door, changed, brushed her teeth and washed her face "thank god I showered last night" she softly spoke to herself

"ARDEN!" Clementine shouted again

"oh my god" Arden whispered to herself as she opened the door "WHAAAAAAAAT?!"



she threw her clothes into a pile on her bedroom floor before skipping down the stairs

"what's up?" she asked walking over to Clementine and messing with their hair

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