Chapter 30. tension

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"Bells? who is it?" Arden asked again

Indigo swam over beside Ari

"It's Amybeth" Bella said happily

"oh?" Indigo questioned

"hey Bella, would you, Ari and Indigo be interested in coming to a party tonight? it's not a big one, just a few of our friends" Bella read the text out loud

Indigo exchanged a look with Ari before speaking "HELL YEAH WE WANNA GO!!"

"Ari?" Bella asked

"yeah! id love to!!"

"okay perfect ill let her know we're all coming then" 

a few hours passed, Arden and Bella were back in their room, Indigo in her own

"so when is the party?" Ari set her phone down on the bed beside her

"its at 9:00pm i believe, that okay darling?" Bella replied from the kitchen

"yeah of course it is" she got off the bed and walked over to them "what're you doing?"

"making a magnificent meal for you, duh"

"oh yeah? frozen pizza is magnificent?"

"yes! you don't think it is?" Bella turned around facing Ari who was standing behind them

"is there a wrong answer to that question? will I die if I answer wrong?"

Bella nodded and grabbed her by her hips, directing her up against the counter

they kissed Arden softly yet passionately, still holding her hips

Arden instantly melted at this action, going along with it until Bella randomly pulled away

"you okay baby?" Ari furrowed her brows

"yeah of course love, now what's your answer?"

"I suppose frozen pizza could maybe be magnificent" she replied as she hopped onto the counter

"good girl"


Bella didn't respond, just winked and went back to making the pizza

Arden rolled her eyes and jumped down off the counter "I'm gonna go figure out what I'm wearing tonight"

"okay princess, dress casually"

"yes sir" Arden responded, winking at Bella and walking away



what are you wearing tonight?


idk I cant decide 😪


whats the dress code


just casual


hmmm, okay



Arden pulled a pile of clothes out of her suitcase, making a mess in the process, eventually finding something 

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