Chapter 16. drunk.

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Arden and Indigo yelled at each other from different rooms, Arden in hers and Indigo in Clem's

It was a bit past 6 pm at this point so they all had started getting ready for the party





Indigo hopped off of Clementine's bed and made her way into Arden's room

"wazzup?" she said looking at Arden who was standing by her closet

"Should I wear this?" Ari replied holding up a pair of jeans and a sweater

" its a party Ari! and you need to make Bella quake in his boots for real"

"okay... then what do I wear?"

Indigo grinned then walked out of the room, coming back with her backpack in hand.

"Luckily I already thought this through, gee what would you do without me" She smiled cheekily as she pulled a dress out of her bag "This. and ill do your hair and makeup!"

"oh my god, literally what would I do without you" Ardens face lit up as she took the dress

"I know" Indigo chuckled walking out of the room "Now get changed" 

Indigo went back to Clementine's room to wait for her.

"Arden is going to look so pretty, I am so EXCITED, Bella will be sobbing for sure" Indigo said sitting on the bed

"speaking of Bella they actually texted me today sayi-" Clementine was cut off by a knock at the front door

"That's probably Isaiah ill go let him in" Indigo got up and walked out the door 

Clementine sighed.

Arden walked into Clementine's room where clem was now the only one in there

"oh my god Ari! YOU LOOK AMAZING!"

Arden giggled "Thank you, Indigo is going to help with my hair and makeup" She sat on the bed listening to Indigo and Isaiah talk downstairs

"hey clem?"

"yeah? What's up?"

"do you think everything will actually be okay?"

"of course I do"


"try not to think about it too much tonight, we're going to have so much fun!" Clementine patted her head and got up to go see the others downstairs

Arden sat there on the bed, holding back tears for what felt like the millionth time. there was silence flooding the room, it was almost overwhelming but also peaceful.

Hours passed, Indigo had helped Arden and Clementine with their hair and makeup, now they were sitting in the car outside the party, Arden was excited but also dreading this.

"Clem do you have your keys?" Indigo asked


"Ari do you have your bag?...Ari?"

"oh yeah! sorry" Arden chuckled picking up her bag as she opened the car door

"it'll be fun" Isaiah walked over to her giving her a small hug.

The four walked in, the house full of people and loud music, the air smelling like booze.

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