Chapter 10. whispers of love

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The two of them hung out at the park for a while, went to the hotel to pick up Bella's things then decided to go back to Arden's place.

They were both sitting on Arden's bed scrolling through their phones when an ad popped p on Arden's Instagram

"hey bells?" She turned to look at them

"hmm??" Bella asked closing her phone

"there's auditions being held for this movie, it looks cool"

"what movie?" Bella questioned seeming intrigued

"uhhhh, Cathrine called Birdy"

"oh yeah?"

"yeah, you should audition!"

"maybe I will! maybe you should too"

"mmph I don't know about that"

"OH COMEEE ON IMAGINE US IN A MOVIE TOGETHER!" Bella said grabbing Arden's hands and holding them in hers

"you know what, sure why not!!" she giggled

"WOOOOHOOOO!! When are they holding auditions?"

"august 2nd, but its over zoom"

"oh perfect! that's like two weeks away!"

"IT IS!! oh my god that's giving me anxiety"

"I bet we will both land roles don't worry love"

"I think I'll audition for Aelis, she seems like a cute character"

"I'm going all out" Bella replied

"what do you mean?"

"I'm looking on the site right now and I've decided I'm going to audition for Cathrine"




They sat there for a moment just looking at each other and taking in the moment

"what time is it?" Arden asked

"4:30 pm, why?" Bella replied

"no reason, I think I'm gonna order food, any request?"

"hmmm panera?"

"ooooo yessss!"

After a while the food arrived so they curled up on the couch and turned on a movie, Bella still wanted to know what Arden had been thinking but she decided to wait until right before they went to bed, because then if it went awkwardly they could just go to sleep.
They watched a few movies and talked about random things almost all night, losing track of time and staring in each other's eyes countless times.

"Hey bells?" Arden asked lifting her head off of Bella's shoulder

"What's up love" they responded looking her in the eyes

"About earlier, it's just-"

This was it, this was the end all or be all situation, this was when the truth would come to light, this was her confession.

"I want to apologize before I say anything because I know, it's so soon, and I don't want to ruin what we have going on because I really really care for you. You mean the world to me already Bella and I know you're going back to the UK and I'm stuck here but I just, I think I may be...falling in love with you" Arden blurted out immediately burying her head in her hands

"Ari" Bella responded lifting her face and holding it in his hands "I really do think I'm starting to feel the same"

Arden looked at Bella in disbelief, her eyes starting to water and small tears rolling down her cheeks

"Don't cry darling" Bella said wiping away her tears

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really, I didn't expect to get that response and I'm, I'm overjoyed" she replied smiling, more tears falling

"Arden, you are so so special and important and beautiful and cheery, you are the sun in human form, I don't know how anyone couldn't fall in love with you" Bella pulled her in for a hug holding her tightly

Arden sobbed in Bella's arms for a good 10 minutes before pulling away to speak again

"What are we going to do Bells, you are going home tomorrow, how are we going to make it work"

"Don't worry about that right now dear, I promise we will find a way but you have to trust me. Live in the now, I'm here, you're here, we're together"

Arden nodded putting her head back into Bella's shoulder while they held each other.

Bella was shocked, daydreaming, thinking about how it would be and how they would make it work, she could tell Arden was overwhelmed but so was she. The joy in the room was equivalent to when you see a puppy for the first time.

"Hey love, why don't we go upstairs to bed" Bella said holding Arden's face once again and wiping her tears

She nodded and followed Bella up the stairs and into the room, both of them laying on the bed

"You-" Bella spoke looking into Arden's eyes "have nothing to worry about, ever, the way I feel for you cannot be crushed by anything or anyone, not even the distance I pinky promise"

"I'm just scared, I don't want you to go, and how do we tell everyone and what-" Arden was cut off

"You have nothing to worry about, we will tell people when we are ready, we can FaceTime every single day and if I need to I will pay for you to visit me whenever you need to, you have nothing to be scared of my pretty girl"

"I love you" Arden whispered cracking a small smile

"Oh are we moving that fast?" Bella giggled a bit

"We are lesbians it's in our nature I think" Arden responded also giggling

"You're right dear, you're very right. Now get some sleep, we can have a proper discussion about it all in the morning and we will work it out"



"You didn't respond"

"Hmm?" Bella asked again raising an eyebrow

"I love you" Arden softly whispered again

"I love you too dear, I think I might always" Bella whispered back looking into her eyes "you are beautiful"

Arden smiled the biggest smile and she could feel her face getting red

"I made you all blushyyy" Bella joked

"Shut uppppp, and go to sleeeppp"

"Anything for you"


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