Chapter 21. Will you?

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"Ari, your phone's ringing!"

Arden walked out of the kitchen and into the living room where Bella was sitting listening to music

"Who is it?" she asked before taking the Phone from Bella's hand

"Isaiah" They smiled

Arden accepted the call "Hello?"

"hey Ari Bear!"

"what's up?" She smiled

"Nothing much, just wondering if you wanted to hang out, I'm gonna ask Clem and Indy as well"

Arden looked over to Bella "Wanna hang with Saiah?" she asked

They held two thumbs up in response

"Yeah why not!" Arden said her attention going back to Isaiah

"Cool! ill pick up you and Bella in an hour or two then we'll go get Clem and Indy!"

"Alright! see you sooooon" she said before hanging up the call and sitting on the couch beside Bella

he held his arms out to hold Arden "so..."


"We haven't had much alone time lately, I'm taking this moment to appreciate you"

"god I love you"

"you better, once we're on set for Cathrine called Birdy you will get sick of me" he giggled

"Absolutely not, I could never"

"has anyone ever told you that you are like sunshine in human form?"

"no, I don't think so" Arden's smile grew as she lifted her head to look at Bella

"well it's true" he replied placing a kiss on her forehead

"I'm sorry we haven't had much alone time"

"Don't worry about it darling, I enjoy every second I spend with you"

Arden laid her head on Bella's shoulder and they put their head on hers

"I don't know what i'd do without you Bellie"

"you'd probably perish"





Arden lay there for a while, listening to Bella's soft breathing. She questioned over and over where their relationship stood, but she was far too afraid to ask, hopefully Bella would bring it up soon.

Bella's hand stroked Arden's back lightly, she was so gentle with her

"Hey baby, I think I'm going to get ready, alright?" They said kissing Arden and getting up slowly


Bella smiled and wandered off to Arden's room


"COMING!" Bella shouted walking towards the front door

"Well don't you look niceee!" Arden brushed her hand against Bella's waist

"I'm wearing a shirt and trousers, but thankyou love" he giggled


"oh god"

"TROUSERS!!!!" Arden said again in an awful British accent

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