Chapter 8. It's late anyways...

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The movie had ended but neither Bella nor Arden had seen it, They were both asleep with Arden's head now on Bella's lap and Bella's head leaned on the back of the couch. Hours passed by with the two still sleeping peacefully until Arden slowly woke up, she rubbed her eyes and got up making a small noise. She sat there for a second allowing herself to wake up and take in her surroundings. 'Bella is still there, and what time was it anyways' she thought to herself grabbing her phone off the coffee table.

11:30 pm

'hmph' she groaned causing Bella to wake up as well

"Ari?" Bella whispered getting up sluggishly

"yeah?" Arden whispered back

"what time is it?"


"shit, really?"

Arden nodded turning to look at Bella

"you fell asleep on my shoulder" Bella smiled

"why are you smiling like thaaaattt"

"because I though it was cuteeee"

"did you actually?"

"I did, I wouldn't have let you if I didn't, you looked so sleepy"

"I wasssss, but I didn't think I was that tired"

"well, now what?"

"I don't know" Arden responded laying her head on the back of the couch

"Should I leave?"

"if you want to, but there also isn't much sense in going now, it's late and you were going to come back tomorrow anyways"

"you just want me to spend the night"

there was a small period of silence until Arden responded 

"to be honest...yeah I do"

"I will then darling"

Darling again, whenever Bella said that Arden instantly lit up, but right now she was too tired to react

"I need to change into pajamas" Arden sighed standing up "do you want to borrow something? I have sweatpants and stuff"

"yeah I'd love to" Bella said following Arden to her room

"Okay here's sweatpants and a t-shirt" Arden smiled handing them to Bella and grabbing her own clothes to change into "I'll change in the bathroom so you can have the room"

Bella gave her a thumbs up and she walked out holding her clothes and closing the door behind her.

She got changed, washed her face and brushed her teeth then slowly made her way back to the bedroom, the door was now open with Bella sitting on the bed scrolling on Instagram.

"hi bells"

"hi Ari, ready for bed?"

"mhm, I'm so exhausted"

"you look very tired, want me to go sleep in the guest room?"

"mmmmmm nonotreally" Arden said slurring her words and flopping on her bed "stay here tonight"

"Alright, I will" Bella smiled running her fingers through Arden's hair

"here get under the blanket" Arden sat up and started fixing the blanket so they could lay comfortably

"okay give me one second, I'm gonna grab a glass of water" Bella stood up and walked down to the kitchen

This was when it really hit her, Bella was staying the night, in her bed, wearing her clothes. At every point before this Arden was unsure of Bella's feelings but as the day and night went on she started to catch on. She sat up and unlocked her phone to text her friends before Bella came back.

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